OK read that post:
...Most writers are stupid enough to base writing strategy on atip code. In some cases this code will not match the dye this will end in problems for most writers. Only Plextor/Teac and some Yamaha writers really don't care and will switch to the correct strategy them selves when burning the lead in.
sorry, but this is scant information with no details or corroboration. no explanation as to exactly
how the Plex/Teac/Yamaha "switch to the correct strategy" when (after?) burning the leadin, based on what info???
all drive manufacturers tell us of various things the drives do, and unfortunately we can't really test them, just take it on trust. they say the drive does this that or the other, test so and so etc... of course they don't really go into very technical details and we don't have the means to test their claims and verify them.
i remember back in the day (about a year ago?) when we were burning on 40x Z-CLV drives - Plextor 40/12/40A, Teac CD-W540, Lite-On 40125S/W. all drive manufacturers claim that their drives are doing ROPC=running optimal power calibration as they go along or something like that. they claim(ed) that when the drives finishes burning a zone it tests the quality of the zone that it had just burned, and based on the quality would either incread the speed in the next zone if quality was good (as supposed to do), or keep the current speed or drop it, based on the quality of the zone just burned and on the media quality.
the only drive for which this has actually been observed was the Teac CD-W540. it was observed that the write speed decreased when going to the next zone. while it was quite common for the speed to stay (=not increase) when changing to the next zone, for the speed to actually
decrease was only seen on the Teac. we had quite a discussion about this at the time - search for burner1000000's posts, he reported it. considering the amount of burning burner1000000 did on those 3 drives with various media, i find it quite believeable that if the drives did actually as they claimed, this would be seen many more times and on other drives too.
the conclusion was that the drive decides on the burning strategy at the
beginning of the disc, based on the ATIP and, possibly, by tests in the PCA (=power calibration area) before the burn begins, and DON"T change it later, excexpt maybe to
not increase the speed. despite what the manufacturers claimed.
nowadays all drives are CAV/PCAV. i don't know how they claim to handle the writing strategy control/ROPC etc. (haven't read up about this for some time). Plextor's documentation for their CLV-PoweRec claims that the writing strategy is "checked" and "updated" every 1x speed increase. i don't recall seeing any detailed info in other documentation such as SMART-Burn for example.
for a CAV drive then, if it encounters a bad strech of media as it burns along, it could either keep the speed fixed (change to PCAV) or decrease the speed. has anyone actually seen a CAV burn where the speed actually goes down at some point? i have'nt read such a report.
bottom line - whatever the drive manufacturers claim the drive does - i won't necessarily believe it.