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this is the best copying software!

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this is the best copying software!

Postby Dowdy on Tue Nov 05, 2002 6:37 pm

ever since i've got my burner and used this program i have not stuffed up one cd that i've tried to copy (most of the stuff i copy is games). With the version i have,, it automatically does the settings toget rid of the protection and the program is soooo easy to use. the only games that i found hard to copy were Serious Sam 2 and Civ 3 but i did it manually and it worked perfectly. Manually, i mean - right click the cd, copy everything and paste into desktop. i only use Nero when i have to use that method.

Copy and paste into desktop takes the same amount of time as to create an image with Clone CD

games like MOH and Warcraft 3 which my friends found hard to copy were so easy with Clone CD
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Postby Action Jackson on Tue Nov 05, 2002 7:43 pm

Of course everyone is using it to make personal backups of software. :wink:
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Postby Dowdy on Wed Nov 06, 2002 4:18 am

no. i admit to pirating. i get my games 3 ways:

1. Overseas from relatives who come here for holidays - i usually ask for about 10-20 games

2. off friends

3. from video stores - they sorta encourage you to pirate aswell bacuse they have this deal - hire 3 games overnight for $10. Now, how many people can play 3 games in one day? (i got civ 3, heroes of might and migic 4 and return to castle wolfenstein. 8) )

the only thing i back up is stuff i download and thats also illeagal - copywright breach. 8)
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Postby BoGMan1a on Wed Nov 06, 2002 4:48 pm

Where can you rent PC games(no names please)? You aren't in the US are you? I know the copyright cops would be all over a business that rents PC games here due to those d**mn license agreements :evil: . I do know of a few places that re-sell used software which is also a big no-no in the US. Of course, as long as I don't have to pay $50 for a title I want then they are OK with me! :lol:
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Postby Dowdy on Wed Nov 06, 2002 6:29 pm

You aren't in the US are you?

no i'm not.

i'm from Australia

I know the copyright cops would be all over a business that rents PC games here due to those d**mn license agreements

and the cops here are pretty dumb. they dont do anything unless they get a tip off and it's in the most obivious places too - markets, where pirating is everywhere you look

once i helped the cops - there was this shop selling BB guns and the cops wanted to know where everyone was getting them from so i told them but not before buying one myself :lol: It was a plastic replica PIETRO BERETTA. Looks pretty good but the trigger broke and it doesn't work anymore

And how's this for stupid - the cops were looking for a fugitive that was doing crimes all across Australia and the fugitive was taunting the cops by taking pictures of himself in front of police stations! Then later sending his pictures back to the station with a message like 'having a great time'.
He was later caught and found out he had an IQ of 130
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Postby ccb056 on Sat Nov 16, 2002 2:49 am

i live in the US and a few years ago (approx 5) before i moved to a different section of the country, i used t rent pc games from a video rental center (but that was back in the day of 75mhz and 1gb hdd).
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Postby buff nasty on Fri Nov 22, 2002 3:05 pm

I live in the U.S. and I know of a place that rents games legally (PC games) and it is not illegal to resell used software. The idea is that the software that is being resold has been removed from the computer beforehand, even though that probably doesn't happen too often. Electronics Boutique sells used computer games, and the business here that rents them has rented them for years and no problems, they are a big establishment. Of course people rent them and burn them, but as long as you put the disclaimer on the package that it is illegal to do so you cover your own butt.
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Postby ccb056 on Fri Nov 22, 2002 8:12 pm

what is the place that rents em, and where is it if i may ask. ;-)
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Postby SixPacMan on Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:02 am

Of course they can sell used software.

I remember a small store here in the US in the late 80's or early 90's that rented software. Back when I had my Amiga and the store had quite a bit for it.
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CloneCD Writing Quality

Postby kaboom on Fri Jun 20, 2003 2:11 pm


I've used CloneCD, but I wasn't happy with the results. I just wonder why the duplicate CD can't be read at full speed (without spin-downs) by my separate CD-ROM drive when the original CD is always read at full speed. I've used CloneCD 3341 with an LG GCE-8160B and my current Liteon LTR-24102B, having copied a few games. Does this happen to you fellas? Thanks.
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Postby jtan on Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:02 am

Blindwrite is a better product. I can't make a backup copy of my Frozen Throne with CloneCD but able to do it easily with Blindwrite.
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Postby rmunde on Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:46 pm

Blockbuster rents them where I live.

ccb056 wrote:what is the place that rents em, and where is it if i may ask ;-)
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