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MSI CR52-A2 Tops out at 32X...Please help

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MSI CR52-A2 Tops out at 32X...Please help

Postby sinister on Fri Jun 20, 2003 7:52 am

I have a Barton2500 running @ 2.2 GHZ, Ti 4200, MSI dvd rom,512MB HyperX 400MHz ram, Windows XP with SP1. Latest Nero (just updated last week). The writers firmware is 161D.

1) When I try to burn a cd, it only gives me the 32X option, even in CD Speed, it maxs out at 32X. What can be causing this? :x

2) The audio CD that I burned as a test will not work in the car or any other CD player. When I turned teh speed down to 20X, it played the first four songs in the car, but couldn't find the rest. What can I do to fix this?

Thanks in advance for your help..
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Postby Ian on Fri Jun 20, 2003 7:54 am

To solve the speed problem, try other media. The drive's write control technology is limiting the writing speed.

I really don't have an answer for you on the second problem. I take it you're using Nero to burn the disc right? Try again with different media. Try using Disc At Once and make sure the disc is finalized.
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Postby sinister on Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:54 am

Even thought the media is rated for 48X? It is TDK, I bought it from Best Buy. Even with other media, it only gives me a 32X option.

Yes, I used nero to burn the audio CD. I tried using both the wizard, and just selecting Audio CD. Both times they have been DAO and Finalyzed.

When I get home, I will see what options a different Authoring software will give me.

I will try to post what the results from the CD Speed looks like.

Do you think maybe the Firmware is too new and Nero doesn't recognize the Speed from the drive? Just a thought.
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Postby Ian on Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:00 am

The number on the disc doesn't guarantee that its going to work at that speed with all drives.

It's not the firmware, its the media.
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