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LCD Problem

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LCD Problem

Postby project ek on Fri Jun 13, 2003 7:00 pm

Lately my LCD has been giving me problems. Sometimes it would work fine but most of the time the picture would get distorted, start flickering or just flat out turn white. I've tried everything from messing with the cables, updating video card drivers, updating monitor drivers, basically everything possible to make it function normally. Can someone out there help me!?! I do not want to spend another $200-$300 on a new LCD.

Here are my specs:
ASUS Geforce TI4600
KDS Rad-5q 1024x768 @ 75 Rad-5q

I'm also using this program called NVRefreshtool which fixes the refresh rate. Could this contribute to my LCD problems? Here is a link to their website NVRefreshtool
project ek
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Postby CDRecorder on Fri Jun 13, 2003 10:17 pm

It sounds like a bad monitor to me. Is it under warranty?

But, before jumping to conclusions, some other things you could try are to uninstall that refresh rate tool and connect another monitor (if you have another or can borrow one) to the computer.

Also, you mentioned messing with the cables. Did you try another monitor cable or power cable?
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Postby pranav81 on Sat Jun 14, 2003 12:58 am

Its a long shot,but check that you have not placed high voltages devices like UPS,stabiliser,etc. near the monitor.Also take the monitor to your friends place and connect it to his computer and you may know of the monitor is faulty.Aslo check if the signal cable is not damaged.Last but not the least,please check you have installed correct latest drivers for your OS.
See ya later,

Last edited by pranav81 on Mon Jun 16, 2003 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby project ek on Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:32 am

I tried using my LCD on my friend's computer and it turns out its the LCD :(. For now I'm going to borrow my brother's Sony monitor until I figure out what to do with the LCD. Thanks for the help guys!
project ek
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Is the monitor old?

Postby pranav81 on Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:00 am

Dear project ek,
Hi.Is the monitor old and is it out of warranty?If it is out of warranty period you could try repairing it from where you bought it.
See ya later,

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Postby project ek on Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:45 am

Yes the monitor is old and the warranty has already expired. I'm going to hold off on repairing the monitor because my brother is going to lend me his old monitor.

project ek
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2002 9:25 pm

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