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samsung 352 DVD ripping speeds

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samsung 352 DVD ripping speeds

Postby wicked1 on Fri Jun 13, 2003 6:49 pm

i am thinking about buying a new dvd rom for ripping movies. I figured I might as well get a combo drive so I could burn multiple cds at once. How is the dvd movie ripping on this drive? I was going to buy the lite on combo but it burns at 48x max. Is Lite on coming out with a 52x32x52x16 drive anytime soon as I love liteons.But my main concern as I already have a liteon 52246S is DVD ripping as my current DVDrom drive sux (generic no brand or labels at all). I also have a sony dru500ax. All thoughts are welcome.
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Postby Ian on Sat Jun 14, 2003 1:22 am

About 15.5x with single layer DVD movies and about 8.5x with dual layer DVD movies.
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can it read the +r +rw's

Postby wicked1 on Sun Jun 15, 2003 5:39 pm

It says it is a DVD Multi drive and the nero screen shots I have seen say DVD Ram and DVD-r/rw no where on the samsung site or on the few reviews I have found does it claim to read +r +rws. Isnt that what DVD Multi is it reads ALL DVD formats?If it will read all of them then this is the drive to get for me although do they update firmware like liteon does?
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