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Postby coldgin on Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:53 pm

I'm getting the Liteon 52X24x52x cdrw, my questions are, I want to use cd's for storing files, pictures, videos and making music cd's. do I have to use cd-r cd's or can I use cd-rw??
cd-r is just burn once right??
also, what speed should the cd's say??
last, when making music cd's, either downloaded mp3's from kazaa or straight off of bought cd's, what format do I use, somebody told me you need to make them a different format if you want to listen to them in the car.
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Postby eliminator on Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:44 am

I'm getting the Liteon 52X24x52x cdrw, my questions are, I want to use cd's for storing files, pictures, videos and making music cd's. do I have to use cd-r cd's or can I use cd-rw??

You can use both (cd-r & cd-rw).

cd-r is just burn once right?? Right.

last, when making music cd's, either downloaded mp3's from kazaa or straight off of bought cd's, what format do I use, somebody told me you need to make them a different format if you want to listen to them in the car.

Dunno that, but cd/mp3 player in the car would help :wink:

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Postby David on Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:47 am

Welcome to CDRLabs coldgin

To answer your first question you can use either cd-r or cd-rw's for what you want to do. Be aware though some oulder cd players will not play music from cd-rw's, but will from the cd-r's. Also if you are planing on archiving the files I would recomend using cd-r's for storing your files since they cost less than cd-rw's.

For your second question I would use the speed rating on the package as a general go by. I generaly burn a cd from a spindel then run cdspeed's scan disc to check for damaged or unreadable sectors if any are found I then burn at the next lower speed to ensure the cd is burned withou damaged sectors. Another resource is located in this forum http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=6005 which contains a list of drives including the Liteon with different brands of media burned from different manuactures by forum members so you can get an idea of what media works best with the drive and at what speed it can be burned at with no errors.

Question three I am asuming you are going to be using Nero. Nero when you select to create a music cd will convert the mp3 files to audio tracks you do not have to convert them to another file type to play in your car cd player.
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