KCK wrote: Did you use MRW or non-MRW discs?
The first time I used a preformatted non-MRW 12X CD-RW. I repeated the test with a full erase and MRW format. The date stamps were transferred in the same inconsistent and unpredictable way. .EXE files in one copied folder may reset the date to the copy time, while .EXE files in another folder may retain the original date and time. Go figure.
The non-MRW disc had about 533 MB of available space which is normal. The MRW formatted disc shows 442 MB available on an empty disc in Windows properties but 503 MB in InCD properties.
Take your pick, but neither are impressive.
After reinstalling Roxio's Drag-to-Disc, the same MRW test disc showed a capacity of 527 MB, 24 MB more than the best case in Nero.
Could you also check InCD's autoplay on blank discs? If it does work for you, please tell us your settings for Windows CD recording and the IMAPI service.
With InCD, I did a quick erase on the disc and ejected it. On closing the tray autoplay recognizes the disc to the extent that a empty drive window pops up. Autoplay doesn't seem to work with InCD, as it doesn't open an InCD window and offer any information or options. I tried changing the IMAPI service and CD recording settings with no success concerning InCD recognition of the blank CD-RW.
InCD works normally with autoplay, popping up an InCD window whether a blank or written CD-RW disc is inserted. IMAPI service is set to manual and Desktop CD recording is not enabled.
Did you look in Task Manager for how much memory is taken up by incdsrv.exe and InCD.exe after formatting or copying?
With about 62 MB on the CD-RW disc, Task Manager shows InCDsrv.exe using 10,088 KB and InCD.exe using 6,088 KB, a total of 16,176 KB.
With 430 MB on the CD-RW disc, Task Manager shows DrgToDsc.exe using 5,272 KB. As far as I know, this is the only active file used by Roxio Drag-to-Disc.
As for relative speeds of InCD 3.x and 4.x, you could time copying about 400 MB of data by InCD, and then by InCD 3.52.40 once you revert to it. On the other hand, maybe there is little point in such experiments, since InCD is still immature.
It took 7:07 minutes to copy 430 MB using InCD with MRW.
The same files were copied in 5:40 minutes using InCD
The same files were copied in 5.08 minues using Roxio Drag-to-Disc.
Finally, I wonder whether Nero-CleanTool comes up correctly on your box. I'm not suggesting that you use it; just see if it offers the options mentioned by Ahead. But again, this isn't really important.
The latest Clean Tool works the same way in WinXP and Win98 as it did for you, a momentary DOS window and then "Do you want to remove the following programs really?". I like the older version of the Clean Tool better as it actually offers different options about what is to be removed.
Roxio Drag-to-Disc is a better developed packet writing program, with more features, options and advantages. It has a far better GUI, help, and is generally easier to use. It is also less buggy.