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higher C1/C2 errors on slower speed?

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higher C1/C2 errors on slower speed?

Postby jtan on Tue Jun 03, 2003 3:21 pm

this is strange,

i get higher C1/C2 errors when i burn at 16x compared to when i burn at 40x...

is this normal for CD-Rs rated at 48x?
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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Jun 03, 2003 4:04 pm

I have seen this before, albeit I haven't tested this on my 48x drives. I think it happens because drive manufacturers worry more about writing quality at higher speeds.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Jun 07, 2003 12:12 am

I've noticed a n increase in C1 and C2 errors when CD-Rs are burned at lower speeds as well, although I usually find that 16x is quite stable compared to 8x or 4x, which gets downright disturbing at times!
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Postby rdgrimes on Sat Jun 07, 2003 11:51 am

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Slow vs. High Speed Burning

Postby CDRnovice on Sat Jun 07, 2003 4:03 pm

To rdgrimes:

I checked out your post on cdfreaks regarding slow vs. high-speed burning. Interestingly, I just purchased some Fujifilm (TY) discs at Target -- unfortunately, there is no speed rating on the packaging or the discs (the labeling just says "80 min. audio CD-R" so I have no idea what their rating is). Why doesn't Fujifilm label the speed rating of these discs? Anyway, I burned one of the TY discs at 16x and performed a KProbe test at max speed. The C1C2 report I received was extremely similar to the result you received for your TY disc (burned at 4x) except that my C1 numbers are slightly lower than yours across the board. I also got the same increase in C1s toward the outer part of the disc that you received. I was getting an average of 5.5 C1s with my Prodisc burns. These TY discs are much better:

Fuji (TY) 80min CD-R burned at 16x (52MAXX burner):

C1 Max= 9, Total= 1523, Average= 0.566
C2 Max= 0, Total= 0, Average= 0.000

Even though my TY discs are not labeled with a speed rating, my next project will be to burn a TY disc at 40x to see whether I get the lower number of C1s that you got when burning at 40x.
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Postby rdgrimes on Sat Jun 07, 2003 4:17 pm

"Audio" CDR's are intended for use in a audio recorder, and are supposed to be certified for 1x burning. Most burners will limit them to low speed, requiring you to turn off SmartBurn to burn them faster. They may well be the same, physically, as the 48x discs.
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Postby CDRnovice on Sat Jun 07, 2003 8:43 pm

I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
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