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Is a Pentium 233 MMx good enough for a Sony 52x writer?

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Is a Pentium 233 MMx good enough for a Sony 52x writer?

Postby Malign on Mon Jun 02, 2003 2:54 am

I have an old Pentium 1 233 mmx lying around, I've donated it to one of my freinds, who uses it for office work. He wants to buy a Sony CD Writer to use on the machine. Is this a good idea?

The machine has 32mb ram .Can I write at slow speeds? If so, what would be safety speeds?
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Postby CignaXI on Mon Jun 02, 2003 4:02 am

Well, I had to switch back to my old AMD K6-2 400MHz when I fried my XP 1600+. I can burn without any problems at 16x, the drive doesn't activate the burn-proof too much so it is receiving enough data. The things is that I only burn without multitasking.
Still burning with my LTR-16101B.
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Postby 4zkxa on Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:13 pm

You should get a little bit more ram. I think the max speed you should burn at is about 32x.
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Postby rdgrimes on Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:27 pm

It has more to do with your MB and IDE controller than the CPU, if DMA is properly implemented it should be fine, (assuming the HD can keep up). More RAM would sure help. It certainly will work, as for speed there's only one way to find out.
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