by BoGMan1a on Sat May 24, 2003 11:13 pm
Heck Yeah!! I totally agree with Boba_Fett! I built a new system using this proc and an Asus A7N8x deluxe Mobo as the basis for it, and it trounces my P4 1.8 HP 750c. I still use the HP, but mostly as a home office computer (MS office/ Printshop). The AMD machine is my media/gaming computer.
Main Computer:
ASUS A7N8X deluxe
AMD Athlon XP2500
1Gb PC3200
6600GT AGP
BENQ 1620
NEC 3500AG
Lite-on 52246S
Lite-on LTC-48161H
1 Tb of internal HDD space
750+ Gb external storage
Dual Boot Win2000Pro/XP Home