by ExCoelis on Sun May 25, 2003 5:24 pm
Hi all. Just wondering if someone might be able to help me out here. I have an LG 8400B 40X12X40 CDRW drive. My problem is that when I burn an audio CDR from MP3 files, and try to play them on my car CD deck, they have a horrible "static" in the background that is ALWAYS there, and occasionally have trouble switching from track to track. The discs play fine on my home stereo and PC though. I have tried some of my old CDR audio discs in the car deck and they work fine. The car deck is designed to play CDRs. I have tried several different types of media including maxell, memorex, TDK, and sony, all with the same result. The MP3 files are fine, as they have been burned on a friends pc, and played with no problems in my car deck. I am using NERO. Someone was telling me that the laser on the CDRW drive might be out of alignment, and that is common on those drives. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!