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Ian,why dont you review Roxio EZCD 6?

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Ian,why dont you review Roxio EZCD 6?

Postby pranav81 on Tue May 13, 2003 1:12 am

Dear Ian,
Hi.Why don't you review Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 as you have reviewed other software's like Nero 5.5,Nero Express,etc.?
The review would really help a guy like me to make a purchase or to compare it with other burning softwares.
Waiting for positive reply,
Thanks in advance,

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Postby banzibaby on Wed May 21, 2003 9:09 am

Yep i agree.A review Of Easy CD 6 would be handy Ian

Or is this thread just being ignored :D

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Postby Inertia on Wed May 21, 2003 4:02 pm

It's being ignored. :wink:
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Postby banzibaby on Wed May 21, 2003 5:53 pm

LoL May i ask why?!?!?! :-?

I thought that pranav81 asked a very good question & like he says U do review all the others?

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Postby dhc014 on Mon Jun 30, 2003 4:42 pm

Well, I would think that Roxio would have to offer the product to Ian for a review before he would review it. Roxio probably just doesn't care...
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Postby Ian on Mon Jun 30, 2003 4:50 pm

Sorry I haven't been ignoring you. I didn't see this thread until Dave pointed it out to me.

In the past, Roxio/Adaptec has shown little interest in us reviewing their products. Let's just say begging them for a copy of Easy CD Creator 6 has not been on the top of my list of things to do.
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