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Burning speed with Nero.

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Burning speed with Nero.

Postby JENI on Fri May 16, 2003 9:43 pm

When you burn a cd that is 16x, 24x, 48 x etc. on any cd wr, does the speed have gradually increment to reach max. speed or does it start to burn a 24x etc. right away.
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Postby Inertia on Fri May 16, 2003 10:58 pm

It depends.

For instance, with a 52x burner, speeds up to 16x may be constant (CLV) through the entire burn.

Higher speeds will usually gradually increase from the inside to the outside of the disc. The latest drives use constant angular velocity (CAV) at high speeds, which means that with a 52x burn the recording speed may start at about 24x on the inside of the disc and constantly increase to 52x at the outside of the disc.
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Postby cfitz on Fri May 16, 2003 11:03 pm

Erik Deppe has some nice pictures of the different burning strategies on his CD Speed site:

http://www.cdspeed2000.com/go.php3?link ... al.html#q2

I would just add that one piece of information is a little out of date. These days most high-speed burners use CAV burning.

Also, see the explanation in Andy McFadden's CD-R FAQ:


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