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my Lite-On 52246s burner 48x max speed????!!~!

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my Lite-On 52246s burner 48x max speed????!!~!

Postby babyloc86 on Sat May 10, 2003 3:56 pm

Hi guys...i just bought a new Cendyne 52x burner and as it came out it wuz LITEON...i wuz happy and all...i installed it to mah slave drive from mah other old slow burner and first thing i did wuz update the firmware...
i opend nero after rebooting...it recognizes my burner as Lite On 52246S but it when it comes to burning...i can only click it up to 48x and there is no 52x option.. ISO VCD SVCD or all of them...and at nero info tool...it says max speed at 48x
when i tried burning a CD it worked fine as 48x...burnt it in like 3 min..but wut i bought as 52x and i want 52x!....
any of you guyz had the same problem as me that can help me out..or know wutz going on?
Also like my FIREBURNER...it doesnt recognize my new liteon..
and diskjuggler ..it says i can only go up to speed of 32x!!!
GOD!!! wutz wrong with all dis!????
can any on help me out...
thx ALOT~
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Postby Ian on Sat May 10, 2003 3:59 pm

wutz wrong with all dis grammah!????

Try other media. Otherwise you can disable Smart-burn in Nero. That will let you burn at whatever speed you want.
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Postby babyloc86 on Sat May 10, 2003 4:13 pm

HAHA THANKS ALOT IAN~ i guess that solved the problem ; )~
hehe it might be stupid question but wut does smart burn do? or should i ask wut is smart burn??
also u guys know y fireburner doesnt recognize my new burner..and just the old burner?
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Postby CDRecorder on Sat May 10, 2003 4:14 pm

Seconded. You probably need better media. Fuji 48x is good, and I bet it will burn at 52x.
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Postby Ian on Sat May 10, 2003 4:46 pm

babyloc86 wrote:HAHA THANKS ALOT IAN~ i guess that solved the problem ; )~
hehe it might be stupid question but wut does smart burn do? or should i ask wut is smart burn??

Check our review of the LTR-52246S. All is explained there.

also u guys know y fireburner doesnt recognize my new burner..and just the old burner?

I could have sworn FB supported all writers. Oh well.. I guess not.

btw.. I'm signing you up for "How to spell - 101" at the CDRLabs University.
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Postby babyloc86 on Sat May 10, 2003 4:57 pm

anywayz..i still dont see where u put the explaination about mount rainier ; (..well itz ok..

btw on ur reviews...IAN ur were testing cendyne 52x and liteon 52x with same model number which means u were testing the same burner..but u got different conlcusionz..
wierd ; (
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Postby Harrier on Mon May 12, 2003 2:02 pm

Ian wrote:
babyloc86 wrote:HAHA THANKS ALOT IAN~ i guess that solved the problem ; )~
hehe it might be stupid question but wut does smart burn do? or should i ask wut is smart burn??

Check our review of the LTR-52246S. All is explained there.

also u guys know y fireburner doesnt recognize my new burner..and just the old burner?

I could have sworn FB supported all writers. Oh well.. I guess not.

btw.. I'm signing you up for "How to spell - 101" at the CDRLabs University.

That's a bit harsh..
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Postby CDRecorder on Mon May 12, 2003 2:19 pm

babyloc86: SmartBurn limits the recording speed so that your burning quality won't be bad. You shouldn't disable it, because your media probably isn't good enough to burn at the maximum speed of your drive.
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Postby Inertia on Mon May 12, 2003 3:29 pm

Ian wrote:btw.. I'm signing you up for "How to spell - 101" at the CDRLabs University.

Harrier wrote:That's a bit harsh..

Harrier, you need to recognize the difference between humor and harshness. :wink: Please don't be a harrier, Harrier. :D

Ian, there is a good Internet Writing Guide that could be a required CDRLabs University course. :lol:
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Postby Harrier on Tue May 13, 2003 3:45 am

Well, it sounded a bit aggressive..
You do realize that, sometimes, one cannot insight other's strain of talk through a text based conversation.
Anyway, my bad.
I take it back.
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Burned Lite On 522446 w/Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs

Postby mdmixer on Sat May 31, 2003 6:44 am

I burned some FujiFilm (TY) Dye 1, 48x rated CD-Rs, and on nero they only show up as 16x compatible. When using tdk (ritek) or Imation (CMC Magnetic) nero detects them being 48x compatible. Can anyone help w/this? I upgraded to the latest firmware on the Lite-On website also. Thanks!
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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:07 pm

I hate digging up old threads, but I'd like to throw in my 2 cents for the future. He must probably had a faulty drive, that happened on my Mad Dog 52x, InfoTool only found it as a 48x drive. Has nothing to do with the media, it is just a 48x drive. Oh well, I guess I'm a little late helping that guy.
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