+ can report ISO incompatible long filenames/directories when creating hash file
+ supports many new hash algorithms and file formats .SFV and .MD5
+ supports filenames \\COMPUTER\SHARE (no visual support yet)
+ compare with similarity reports where the first difference is
+ check reports first reading error position
+ Audio CD support for Windows NT, 2000, XP (administrator privileges required)
+ CDCheck added to context menus of files, folders and drives for easier access
* process priority can be selected from a list
* faster recovery
* Volume names for CDs are retrieved in thread (=> much smoother startup if CD has just been inserted)
* Sounds settings in CDCheck replaced with Windows Sound Events
* special .wav file handling for easier comparing (hash or binary) with CD
- recovery keeps date, time and attributes
(+ Added feature; * Improved/changed feature; - Bug fixed )
info taken from the Version history page.
this great product is getting even better!

note especially these new goodies:
+ can report ISO incompatible long filenames/directories when creating hash file
+ supports many new hash algorithms and file formats .SFV and .MD5
+ Audio CD support for Windows NT, 2000, XP (administrator privileges required)
+ CDCheck added to context menus of files, folders and drives for easier access
* special .wav file handling for easier comparing (hash or binary) with CD
way to go, Mitja Perko!

hopefully it won't be long before this beta will become a final release!