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Can't eject cd

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Can't eject cd

Postby risman on Sun May 04, 2003 1:01 pm

I have a NEC NR-7900A CD-RW and find that often I can't eject the CD in the drive. I usually have to reboot before it will eject, and then if I put a CD back in the drive and access it once or twice, the same thing will happen.

I also just installed a Sony DRU-500AX DVD-RW and the same thing is happening with it.

I'm running WinXP Pro on a Micron ClientPro.

Any ideas what's going on?
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Postby HeartBurn on Sun May 04, 2003 3:08 pm

Bob...have you tried swapping the IDE cable? It could also be your IDE controllers. Have you tried reinstalling them?

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Postby rdgrimes on Sun May 04, 2003 3:28 pm

Would these problems be primarily occurring with RW discs? And if so, are you ejecting them according to the instructions in your installed programs?
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Postby risman on Sun May 04, 2003 7:06 pm

Yes, it's happening with RW CDs, but I haven't tried other types. Not sure what you mean by "ejecting them according to the instructions in your installed programs?" They won't eject either by pushing the eject button on the drive or using the eject function in the software.
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Postby rdgrimes on Sun May 04, 2003 7:24 pm

Try uninstalling your packet writing program and see if the problem goes away.
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Postby jedimc on Sun May 04, 2003 11:36 pm

when you cant get the disk out does your computer freeze becuase this has happened with me a few times but it happened when i was using Nero Cd Speed and was doing the overburning test, the computer will freeze but the burner is still going.im not really worried about it anyway it only freezes in nero cd speed.
all my programs have been updated to the latest version including my burner. :wink:
I have a LG GCE-8520B 52/24/52
and Samsung CD-ROM SC-148T
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Postby GregMo on Thu May 08, 2003 8:34 am

This is the fault of XP, as much as just about anything else that might go wrong with your system. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete, locate "explorer.exe", highlight it and click on "End Task". When it disappears from the list, click on file/new task and enter in "explorer.exe" sans quotes. You'll then be able to eject your disk.

In addition, what burning software are you using? If it's open, or it's little pester icon in the systray, this can cause it to lock. Once I killed that I don't have it lock on me at all.

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Postby CDRecorder on Thu May 08, 2003 1:18 pm

Welcome to CDRLabs, GregMo!

Risman, have you tried right-clicking on the DirectCD or InCD icon on your system tray and clicking "Eject"?

Edit: What software and version are you using?
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Postby GregMo on Thu May 08, 2003 1:58 pm

Thanks for the welcome. Can't say that I'll be a regular tho :( Really just came here to see if there might be some info about how long/how many discs my drive should burn before it gave out. Got a NEC _7900A as well as in the last 8 months I've burned, not counting coasters, 920 CDs. Well, out of the last spindle I had 10 bad, usually only get 0 to 3 bad (more usually 0 than 3). I'm now a fair bit into another spindle and having a fair bit report bad here as well. With this latest spindle I have started using a new burning package tho (Stomp RecordNow MAX). If you've not tried it, and do a lot of burning like me, I highly recommend it.

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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Thu May 08, 2003 11:31 pm

Have you tried using a Crowbar, chisel and hammer, or 200,000 pound hydraulic press?
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