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just got a rejection notice on a Belkin / OfficeMax rebate

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Apr 22, 2003 6:07 pm

CowboySlim wrote:It's just a time phased variation of the old supermarket coupon game. If you brought your coupon to the store, you saved money and their revenue was commensurately reduced. Obviously, the coupon offer was meant to entice you into buying, but they probably hoped that then you would leave it at home and buy anyway.


OK speaking of supermarkets...what came first, the chicken or the egg? :D
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Postby CowboySlim on Tue Apr 22, 2003 8:35 pm

Well, one of two scenarios:
1. According to the Old Testament, the.............................
2. In the evolutionary chain of events, the.................

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Another rejected Belkin MIR!

Postby jjones on Mon Apr 28, 2003 3:54 pm

Just received a postcard saying that the Belkin MIR I submitted was rejected. It was a $2 MIR for a Belkin canned air-spray, similar to the one posted by the OP. It says I did not include the original UPC.

What a load of BS! They are so cheap they don't want to pay a measly $2 MIR. It was one of the FAR deals from Officemax.

It was a direct rebate from Belkin and on the rejection postcard, it says if I want to re-submit it, I can track it on www.rebateshq.com. This site didn't process the original rebate to begin with and doesn't have this rebate listed. What a wimpy diversion!

They want me to use up another 37 cent stamp for this $2 rebate they are going to never send? Since I sent in the original UPC, they are going to reject it again if I send in a UPC copy anyway.

It's only a $2 rebate, not a big deal, but what botehrs me is that Belkin is really CHEAP and makes false advertisement.

In my many years of rebate submissions, this is the first time I got a rebate rejection, especially with such a lame excuse and on such a small value item.
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Postby CowboySlim on Mon Apr 28, 2003 4:17 pm

This site didn't process the original rebate to begin with and doesn't have this rebate listed. What a wimpy diversion!

No, jjones, it is not a diversion - it is an evasion!

Last edited by CowboySlim on Wed Apr 30, 2003 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Wed Apr 30, 2003 2:01 pm

I called OfficeMax and they looked up this rebate, and saw the error. They said they'd reimburse me whenever I go in.

I also got another Belkin rejection notice about a missing UPC code. There was only one problem - I never submitted that rebate!! Seems like Belkin's rebate service really sucks...

Also, finally got a Fuji CDR rebate!! Their website which promises rebates in 2 weeks if you register by website is a totall crock!! I waited over 3 months to get that rebate, even though it was registered electronically on their website.

Still now Buslink CDRW rebate yet. I'm starting to fret... Hope they pay up soon!!
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Postby cajun on Wed Apr 30, 2003 8:01 pm

I also registered online with FUJI for some CD-r's I bought from BestBuy. The pitch by FUJI was that if you registered online and submitted the required documents you would receive the rebate within 20 days, that was over 6 weeks ago. I sent in an MIR to BestBuy, on the same purchase and received the rebate over a week ago. This past weekend, just for the hell of it, I sent an email to FUJI online website asking about the rebate. They said they would respond to mail within 48 hours it is now Approx. 96 hours and no response. I know this may sound petty for a small rebate. But I intend to bug the hell out of them. Also have a $30 rebate from Verbatim for a CD Burner, that was about 3 months ago since I sent them the rebate info. Sent them an email a week or so ago, no response yet. Oh well it's been a slack week, guess I'll bombard both of them by phone and email.

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Postby Dartman on Wed Apr 30, 2003 8:23 pm

We just got hosed on a oil rebate here. The ad said all Valvoline oil or something to that effect and we needed oil for the cars so we bought it. The rebate form we were given had all kinds of oil company names on it but not Valvoline. We just got a rejection notice that we didn't send the right form and it's the form we got from the store clerck when we paid.
They sure don't wanna get rid of a meesly 3 bucks. Reminds me of the insurance adjuster we had to deal with when one of the cars was totaled.
Started naming off 4 door junk piles and like that to prove our little car was worthless.
When I used a web site for car values he said it didn't count becuase it wasn't local. Found out after we finaly gave up and settled that they used a web site also, his last statement was that extra cost options on a car wear out so they don't add any value to a old used car :(
So I guess we'd all just buy a 4 door 5 speed manual everything car with no sunroof when we could buy the same one with all the goodies ?!
I think they just hire people who's only job is to screw anyone out of anything they can to save the corporation a few extra bucks.
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