I am *SO* sick of going into retail stores, and asking questions about media, and getting really stupid replies. Or worse yet, people who think they can get away with lying to me.
Example, I go to retail store "A" (I don't want to get sued!) and walk into the computer department and I ask what their highest quality media is. Now if this is a return visit for me, the people have usually wisened up enough to say they don't know, which is a fair, and ABOVE ALL honest answer. Now, the really annoying one's usually respond like this (almost ALWAYS without fail!) well it's brand "X" (usually mentioned is Sony, or Memorex, depending on the store)... okay, that in itself sounds reasonable right? here's where I get pissed off; I ask them WHY they consider the media the best quality? 5 times out of 10 I'm told they feel this way because that's what the most people buy from them.... 4 times out of 10 they say it's the one they personally prefer and it's never given them any problems, however after further questioning I discover that only means that the burn process doesn't fail, and has nothing to do with actual CD quality. And 1 person out of 10 will say, you know, I just kinda like it, or I don't really know.
Very similar things are said when a sales rep is asked about the highest quality CD burner available in store. I'm almost ALWAYS told Plextor, or Sony, but nobody EVER knows why, or even offers any reaosn better then, "that's what I've heard"
Some times I ask which drives support 99min CD-Rs. *MOST* reps. will admit they never heard of 99min CD-Rs, one person went the extra mile and tried to do an impromptu websearch for the information. He didn't come up with anything, but I was really impressed that he tried! and 1 person (and I REALLY chewed him out for this) immediatly pointed me to a Plextor drive (not the new 48x that I believe actually does support 99min CD-Rs) I believe it was either a 24x or a 32x plextor drive, which does NOT support 99min CD-Rs, only 94:59min. This says to me that the person was pretty much going by reputation of the drive, and had no actual knowledge.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it may be normal for computer sales reps to be REALLY stupid, but it doesn't have to be! And I for one try to visit computer stores whenever possible to help educate the "certified" idiots out there.
The sad thing is, I can't even get a job in this sort of field because I don't have the certification!!
anyways, that's my rant