I am quite the newbie at this recordable DVD drive stuff, but I have had some pretty gratifying results using DVDShrink, a freeware program that lets you just pull the movie off of a DVD (non-copyrighted, of course
) without all the extraneous stuff. It even lets you re-encode the resulting rip at a lower rate which allows you to fit a longer movie on a single disc (still quite serviceable quality too). Along with my new DRU-500AX and NERO, this little program has allowed me to back-up my whole library of DVD's.
By the way, I started off with some Khypermedia DVD-R's(25/$49.99) and just today picked up the Fuji DVD+R deal at BestBuy(50/$79). Do yourself a favor and get some quality media, I probably "coastered" the first 3 Khypermedia discs by burning them at their rated 2x before realizing that I had to burn them at 1x for them to even have a chance on my stand-alone players (Apex AD-3201, Go-Video DVR-4100, and Zenith DVC2550). I must say that I have had a much better time using the Fuji DVD+R's at their rated 2.4x though. Anyway, good luck with your foray into the recordable DVD world and do some research on the net to find out what your players will be most compatible with or get the Sony and figure it out later.