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datastream cd-rs

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datastream cd-rs

Postby jedimc on Sat Apr 19, 2003 1:54 am

i bought a 25 pack of datastream 48x disks.
could anyone tell me if they have ever used these disks as they are very cheap and i will buy them again if they are good quality
:D :) :D :)
I have a LG GCE-8520B 52/24/52
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Postby CDRecorder on Sat Apr 19, 2003 11:18 am

Who made the discs? Nero CDSpeed or Nero InfoTool can give you this information.
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Postby cfitz on Sat Apr 19, 2003 11:21 am

Since you've already bought them, test them yourself and decide for yourself whether or not they are good quality and worthy of you buying again. Then report back and tell us. :)

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Postby jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 2:10 am

I burned one and it worked fine, top speed was 48x.

Manufacturer : Prodisc
Code : 97m32s19f
Disc Type : CD-R
Usage : General
Recording Layer : Dye Type 9: Short Strategy (Phthalocyanine)
Recording Speed : n/a
Capacity : 79:59.72
703 MB
Additional Capacity : n/a
Overburn Capacity : not tested

They were pretty good as i bought them from a computer stall at a market :o
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Postby jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:03 am

Last edited by jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:12 am

couldnt load photo becuase geocities doesnt let you :evil:
Last edited by jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 7:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
I have a LG GCE-8520B 52/24/52
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Apr 20, 2003 4:38 am

Hrm, judging from the ATIP info, I would have expected them to be capable of 52x speeds. But from my experiences with Prodisc, I would expect them to perform well for you! :D
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Postby jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 7:17 am

My LG drive automatically detects the optimal speed of a disk here are the what i have used so far (Only had the burner for about 3 weeks)

Imation 48x = 40x
Verbatim 48x = 52x
TDK 48x = 52x
DataStream 48x = 48x

could someone tell me if you can burn verbatim 48x disks at 52x so why by there 52x disks? :-?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Apr 20, 2003 7:43 am

Different drives perform differently with different media. I heavily suspect that my LiteON could burn the Datastream 48x CD-Rs at 52x.

Why make 52x CD-Rs if 48x CD-Rs can be burned at 52x??

there are 2 likely answers:

1) not all drives can "overclock" CD-Rs (burn them faster then their certified speed), and each drive uses different ways to judge the maximum possible speed that media can be burned at, so even if some drives can burn it at 52x, they might mark it as 48x to ensure compatiblity.

2) (This one I believe to be the most likely) It costs significantly less to set a machine up once, and make 2 billion CD-Rs that are 52x and sell half of them as 48x, then it would to set the machine up twice, and make 1 billion CD-Rs for 48x and another billion for 52x. I have no idea how many CD-Rs are generally produced on a single run, however I like the sound of 1 billion :D
Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R

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Postby cfitz on Sun Apr 20, 2003 9:40 am

Thanks for the feedback, jedimc. I see that you have an LG burner so you can't test with KProbe/CD Doctor/WSES, but did you at least pass those discs though CD Speeds scan disc test? If so, and you got 100% green, please add your results to the Media Compatibility thread

Prodisc seems to have a pretty good reputation in general. I'm glad you found something good in your bargain bin. I wish I could buy and test some Prodisc around here. I was thinking of buying the 125-pack of Jensen CD-R that were on sale here last week for $10 on the chance that they were Prodisc, since I know Jensen has sold Prodisc CD-RW in the past. But, I didn't bite because there were too many rebates required to bring the price down to $10 and too good a chace the discs were made by Princo. What I really want are some of those SmartBuy crazy bug-dude Prodisc blanks... :wink:

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Postby jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:09 pm

Maybe the cd-rs were just made differntly for some reason, becuase lg burner detected the verbatim and TDK disks as 52x compatible.
But the datastream might burn at 52x with other burners no probs but 48x is still pretty fast 8)

I did do a scan disk on the datastream disk and it was all green, i tryed to put the a pic of the scandisk results but geocities doesnt let you put pictures on other websites :x
i will ad the results to the Media Compatibility thread and i will keap adding to it thanks.
and i did see some princo cd-rs in the bargain bin but i saw a friend using the datastream disks so i bought those. :)
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Postby cfitz on Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:28 pm

jedimc wrote:i did see some princo cd-rs in the bargain bin but i saw a friend using the datastream disks so i bought those. :)

You made a good choice. :) Princo doesn't have a very good reputation, but Prodisc is respected.

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:32 pm

Not that I'd recommend Princo under ANY circumstances, but in all fairness, they are much better CD-Rs then they used to be....just not compared to any good quality media :wink:
Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R

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Postby jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:35 pm

thanks i wont buy those princo disks becuase i have heard some bad reports for them anyway. :)
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Postby jedimc on Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:41 pm

When i first saw the princo i thought they might have been manafactured by the same company as the datastream.
according to there website they are supposed to be pretty high quality maybe they will be better in the future
I have a LG GCE-8520B 52/24/52
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Postby cfitz on Mon Apr 21, 2003 12:06 am

jedimc wrote:according to there website they are supposed to be pretty high quality

But how many companies advertise that their brand is low quality? :wink:

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Postby jedimc on Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:00 am

thats true 8)
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:24 am

I know several manufacturers that SHOULD advertise their media as low quality. I've had the pleasure of speaking in person to reps from 1 or 2 of these companies, and I cringed when I heard them refer to their CDs as "A grade" :roll:
Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R

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Postby jedimc on Mon Apr 21, 2003 2:14 am

there should be a law about saying that your cd-r(w) is high quality but itz not :roll: .
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