o770 wrote:It doesn't seem to, at least if I don't have it set to test speed and simulate burn before.
Check a little closer. I suspect you are fooled because when you click "burn", the Process Status bar immediately jumps up to 4% or so, and beneath that Nero reports it is writing the lead-in, even though the drive isn't spinning. Then you hear the drive spin up. But I think if you keep one eye on the Nero dialog and the other on the drive itself, you will see that the LED on the drive that indicates actual burning doesn't light until after the drive has spun up.
Nero's dialog just reflects the commands it has sent to the drive, which may take some time for the drive to process. So, just because the dialog says "lead-in" doesn't mean that the drive is actually in the process of physically writing the lead-in at that exact moment. It just means that the commands required to write the lead-in have been sent are in the pipeline to be processed.
May I ask the cause for your concern? Do you have some evidence that the lead-in isn't being written properly? Are you getting unreadable or bad quality burns? Do you think you found a bug and the engineers at Nero overlooked the need to start the drive spinning before turning on the laser?
I think you are worrying about a non-issue. I doubt that the laser can even be turned on without spinning the drive. If your concern is that the burning starts while the drive is still accelerating, I don't think that is an issue either. Listening to the drive and watching the LED on my drive during a burn, it is evident that the disc is at speed before actual burning starts.
o770 wrote:not everyone I guess participate in all the forums. I won't double-post in one forum though.
I think you may be missing the point. Double posting within one forum is definitely bad form. But so is posting the same question to multiple sites at the same time, since it can end up wasting the time of people who take the time to answer a question that they aren’t aware has already been answered elsewhere. It is quite rude to assume that your time is more valuable than other people’s time. That is what you are doing when post the same question on many sites in order to get a quick reply, without concern for wasting the time of the people upon whose kindness you are imposing by having them compose duplicate answers.
If you don't believe that this practice is frowned upon, read through this:
Personally, if I see you doing it again, I won’t answer any more of your questions.