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Intel Centrino Info Wanted

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Intel Centrino Info Wanted

Postby BuddhaTB on Sat Apr 12, 2003 8:41 pm

I was out notebook shopping with a friend today and the ones he liked had a P4 CPU on them. We also saw some laptops powered by the Centrino CPU and I couldn't give him much info on why they are slower and why they are the new rage. The question is, what are the benefits of the Centrino technology and why are their speeds rated lower than a regular or mobile Pentium 4? We saw some Centrino's rated at 1.3GHz, while all the P4's we were looking at had atleast a 2.2GHz speed rating. Do the Centrino's actually run slower or is the Centrino rated on a different scale than regular CPU's? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby burninfool on Sat Apr 12, 2003 11:25 pm

The Centrino(Pentium-M) is optimized for business/web apps,if you are into gaming
or multimedia stick with a P4.
Here's a couple articles:
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Postby Ian on Sat Apr 12, 2003 11:52 pm

I read somewhere that the Centrino 1.6GHz can deliver performance on par with Intel's fastest mobile P4 (2.0GHz?).

I'm ordering a Centrino laptop from Dell this week.
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