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Are burned cds vulnerable a few secs/mins after a singe?

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Are burned cds vulnerable a few secs/mins after a singe?

Postby Harrier on Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:03 pm

I'd like to know if there's any risk in touching or playing a burned cd right after the process itself.
Should i wait a few seconds before doing anything with it?

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Postby CDRecorder on Sat Apr 12, 2003 3:26 pm

I have never seen reading back, touching, or playing a disc directly after it's been burned have any effect on the disc. In fact, some CD burning packages default to checking the disc for errors directly after burning. However, these facts don't mean that this can't cause a problem. Hopefully someone knows more about this than I do.
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Postby vbl117 on Sat Apr 12, 2003 4:50 pm

Sometimes burned cd were a bit warm after the burn , so i waited a little to use them . Most of the time i use burned cd directly . I have not noticed any bad consequences though i can't say for sure there is no consequences .
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Re: Are burned cds vulnerable a few secs/mins after a singe?

Postby burninfool on Sat Apr 12, 2003 4:53 pm

Harrier wrote:I'd like to know if there's any risk in touching or playing a burned cd right after the process itself.
Should i wait a few seconds before doing anything with it?


You could drop it in a bowl of ice water to be sure. :wink:
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Re: Are burned cds vulnerable a few secs/mins after a singe?

Postby guarana2.5 on Sat Apr 12, 2003 5:26 pm

burninfool wrote:You could drop it in a bowl of ice water to be sure. :wink:

I'm going to have to try that myself....
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