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So, uh, What Up?

Postby Boone on Thu Jan 01, 1970 3:04 am

I'm bored.

So did Men in Black II suck as bad as I've heard? That might make me see Road to Perdition instead. Hard to imagine Tom Hanks as a gangster, but oh well. Still want to see the Bourne Identity, but I'd like to read the book first and I'm not having any luck finding any time to read outside of real work, CDRLabs, and my family (my wife and I just got a 9 week old Yorkshire Terrier). Maybe I'll see the movie and read the book later.
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Postby aviationwiz on Thu Jan 01, 1970 3:04 am

I loved Men In Black 2
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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:25 pm

some of us can relate 8)

none of you heard that from me though
zzzt *pop*
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Postby Dartman on Tue Apr 08, 2003 3:04 am

Men in black 2 was not that bad, it's just after the first it wasn't quite as good and all the good jokes were done all ready.
The Bourne identity was very good. I have read the book first, the book is way better but the movie is still very good. It just doesn't follow the book like you'd think it should. Matt Damen did a excellent job in it.
There are 3 books in the series, they all are excellent reads. The auther just died this last summer so there shouldn't be any more unfortunately.
At least this movie didn't go off course quite as bad as all the Tom Clancy movies did compared to his books.
I still need to see Road to Pardition. Tom Hanks has certainly changed from how he started :)
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