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Advice on buying a new DVD player

Postby Big_H on Sat Apr 05, 2003 1:46 am

I'm in the market for a new DVD drive. I've searched the forums here and read the reviews I could find, but none seemed help much.

So I'm looking for recommendation. I'd like to get a reliable drive that plays/rips DVDs well.

Here's the list I'm considering, please feel free to add to this list (this is just what they had on newegg)

MSI MS-8216 35$
Pioneer DVD-120S 49$
Pioneer DVD-120 43$
TOSHIBA SD M-1712 44$
SONY DDU1621(DDU1611) 42$

I was leaning towards the Lite-on, but it really doesn't matter to me, as long as it works well.



Also, I'm trying to move the folks into the '90s and get them a stand alone DVD player, any sugestions (brands, models, etc.)
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:35 am

Get the Lite-On. You can't beat $35 for a DVD-ROM that does a good job of what your looking for. My second choice would be the Pioneer drives.

As for the standalone DVD player. I would highly recommend Pioneer. Their players will handle just about any media you throw at it from DVD's, VCD's, CD-R's, CD-RW's, and DVD rewritable disc.

Here's two very useful links
http://dvdplusrw.org/resources/compatib ... video.html
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Postby F1Pilot on Sat Apr 05, 2003 6:55 am

I agree with B. I have an older Lite-On that I haven't had any issues with. It's a good drive.

I recently purchased a Pioneer 354 that's pretty good. It plays quite a few different formats, and it's codefree/regionfree.
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Postby Dartman on Sat Apr 05, 2003 3:33 pm

If you want cheap but nice video get a Cyberhome 500 progressive scan for 79 bucks. If you want cheap + completely hackable get something like a Apex, Sampo 631, memorex 2828? etc.
If you want very nice video, audio and progesive scan get a Sony ns 715.
I've had a Pioneer 525 and it was outstanding video quality wise but it had no extra features but cdr playback. The newer ones have much better features now and probably just as good playbck quality I would imagine but they aren't easily hackable/upgradable as far as I know.
I have 4 dvd players for home as of now so I've been through a few ;)
I also second getting a 166s DVD for the box. Mine has worked great and does stuff the earlier 163 I had can't touch.
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