MediumRare wrote:I do have an issue with the time-axis:
- the numerical values are hard to associate with ticks on the axis (and differ between C1 and C2 graphs)
- it looks like part of the end is missing. This may explain the missing C2 errors in your example, cfitz.
Ah! Good observation, MediumRare.
I think that may well be the case and would explain both the missing C2 errors at the end of the test as well as what I thought were C1 errors lower than what CD Doctor and WSES report. I was specifically looking at the end and noting that the peaks were not as high in the K’s Probe test, but didn't notice I wasn't comparing the same minute mark in the CD. I just assumed the end of the chart was the end of the CD.
As it turns out, the missing end of the graph is due to user error.
Unlike CD Doctor which automatically tests to the end of the data on the disc and draws the graph appropriately, K’s Probe, like WSES, requires that you explicitly set the limits for the test. This can be a useful feature, but in this case I blindly and mistakenly accepted the default selections and ran the test, which meant that it stopped short at about the 74-minute mark.
There are two ways to specify the length of the test, MSF (minutes, seconds, frame) and LBA (logical block address). After reading your post, I checked MSF, set the end mark to 79:59:59, and re-ran the test. This time I got results that match what I expected. Here they are in both linear and, for easier comparison to CD Doctor results posted earlier, log scales:
MediumRare wrote:The comparison makes me appreciate several things that CD-Dr. does well:
- add caption to graph
- report on maximum and mean error counts
- save graph as PNG
Yes, these are handy features that K's Probe lacks. But the graphics issues can be worked around with an external graphics program. And the average and maximum can be calculated from the “Total Count” figures and visual inspection of the graphs. These workarounds are not as convenient as CD Doctor’s automated features, but they aren't fatal flaws, either.
One thing I noticed is that when K's Probe reaches an unreadable sector it seems to immediately abort the test at that point, while CD Doctor attempts to push on past the tough area and will still produce a graph with data beyond the unreadable region, albeit with blank areas where the sectors could not be read at speed.
MediumRare wrote:Can someone point me to some information regarding the options under "Raw Cmd"? These seem to go well beyond something that's planned to release for Joe Public.
The intent of some of them (like read ATIP) seem straightforward, but how to interpret the raw binary data returned does require additional knowledge. I don't have to time to explore this now, but if I ever come up with anything I will share it.
MediumRare wrote:I'm glad I picked it up this afternoon !!! This looks like an interesting tool.
Strike while the iron is hot...
I'm also glad I grabbed it while I had the chance and now have another tool with its own interesting capabilities. I may not switch from CD Doctor for everyday testing of C1/C2 errors (as you note, CD Doctor has some nice convenience features), but I will continue to play with K's probe and try to learn more about it.