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LINDOWS: How good is it???

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LINDOWS: How good is it???

Postby ricrat on Tue Apr 01, 2003 11:20 am

I was reading about this "cureall" OS and was wondering what your ex-
perince with it was. Is it as foolproof (I being the fool) as they say?
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Postby Matt on Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:14 pm

They've got a very strong hype running behind them. I doubt you'll find it as easy to use and work with once you have it installed, but if you're interested in moving away from Microsoft software, it's a good spot to start.

You could also check out www.lycoris.com which is aimed at the same audience but has less marketing fluff behind it, but is desktop linux either way you look at it.
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LINDOWS: How good is it???

Postby ricrat on Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:53 pm

Thanks for the link..I'll do some local research.
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Postby socheat on Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:59 pm

One magazine (can't remember if it was a Linux magazine or a laptop magazine) did a review of Lindows. It didn't do too well because it didn't run as many Windows applications as it said it would, or even as many as the previous version of Lindows...

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LINDOWS: How good is it???

Postby ricrat on Thu Apr 03, 2003 4:26 pm

Thanks...I'll going to stay away from it and use WIN 2000.
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