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LG8520B Firmware update reports wrong CDROM Model!

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LG8520B Firmware update reports wrong CDROM Model!

Postby EagleDM on Wed Apr 02, 2003 9:07 am

Hi, I'm new to the forum, i've been looking this page since a couple of months and now I decided to register because it seems a very dedicated page to all those hardware writer freaks (like me !)

Based on the LG 8520B review that I saw on this page I decided to buy it and now I'm using since 3 days ago...

(sorry my bad english, i'm from argentina) :oops:

Well, I am pretty much happy with the drive since is the QUIETEST drive ever ! and write pretty much all of the cd's I put (as oposed to my last model, the MSI 8348) and supports mount rainier, that I use regulary !

Well the problem is, that i NEED to read CDROMS as fast as I can, because I copy movies all the time and my DVD-reader reads only at 24x.
Also, a LOT of cd's only writes on 32x, since I heard that the new firmware correts this problems I decided to give it a try.

But when I run the Firmware update (8520B) Executable, I run into a screen that says "CDROM Model doesn't match !"
and the update button is greyed out !

So I CAN'T flash it, i tried the MKTFLASH but it keeps telling me "Cannot erase FLASH"

So, I'm pretty much stuck, it seems that my model (since it is an OEM one) does not want to be recognized as an LG (but the unit is an LG)

the ID of the device in windows is HL-DT-ST GDC 8520B

so it seems this is an OEM model but, why LG does not want me to update it ? this in an LG drive, right?

Help will be greatly appreciated.
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Postby cfitz on Wed Apr 02, 2003 11:10 am

Double-check to make sure you have the right firmware. LG uses very similar model names, so confusion is easily possible. For instance, there are at least three -8520B models:


And you are reporting a GDC-8520B, which I can't find anywhere. The CD-RW drive reviewed on this site is the GCE-8520B.

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Postby EagleDM on Thu Apr 03, 2003 1:46 am

double checked, HL-DT-ST GCE-8520B CDRW

Bios for LG GCE-8520B = Model doesn't match.... no go..

any ideas?
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Postby CDRecorder on Thu Apr 03, 2003 2:09 am

Did you get the firmware from here: http://www.lgeus.com/service/download.asp? If not, you could try this one and see if it works!

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Postby 7-endless on Thu Apr 03, 2003 2:35 am

LiteOnGuy wrote:Did you get the firmware from here: http://www.lgeus.com/service/download.asp? If not, you could try this one and see if it works!

Welcome to CDRLabs, by the way! 8)

Yup...I agree...I downloaded and applied the firmware last night and it worked fine for me. Also, you may want to make sure that your 8520B is set as the Master on the Secondary IDE channel alone as per LG's instructions...I'm not sure if it is really necessary but I wouldn't take any chances...
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Postby dhc014 on Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:05 am

HL-DT-STCD-RW GCE-8520B is the normal ID of the drive. Your drive being sold without any software or retail packaging does not matter in this instance.

  1. Download mtkflash and save it in some directory on a Fat32 or a fat16 partition
  2. Download the 1.04 firmware.
  3. Unzip the .exe file from within, then unzip this self-extracting zip
  4. Copy "JE61LGM3.HEX" to the folder with mtkflash
  5. Boot into DOS
  6. Make a backup of your current firmware using mtkflash in DOS and these commands:
    Code: Select all
    mtkflash # r /b /a0 back00.bin
    and then
    Code: Select all
    mtkflash # r /b /a1 back01.bin

    replacing # with a number 1-4 corresponding to the location of your drive
  7. Flash your drive to the 1.04 firmware by typing:
    Code: Select all
    mtkflash # w JE61LGM3.HEX

    replacing # with the proper number 1-4 again.

Please send me the backups if you can.
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Postby EagleDM on Thu Apr 03, 2003 1:40 pm

as soon as i get home I will try this, THANK YOU !!!
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Postby jedimc on Fri Apr 04, 2003 2:11 am

i got this from the australian lg support site

Improper processing of this upgrade will damage the drive.
LG Electronics is not responsible or liable for improper installation of this upgrade.
This firmware upgrade is for firmware versions below 1.04 of the LG Branded
GCE-8520B CD-RW Drives.
The ROM version is stamped on the top of the drive below the serial number.
This upgrade is not designed for drives manufactured HP, IBM, Compaq, Dell or
any other OEM {Original Equipment Manufacturer} customers,
please contact the OEM for all firmware updates and support for your OEM drive.
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Postby EagleDM on Fri Apr 04, 2003 9:43 am

I already look onto those sites but I DON'T HAVE the slightest idea of from 'whom' this drive comes..

Also, it is just plain stupid of LG to not let me update it, the drive is an LG PIECE BY PIECE.

At least they could include the option to force update (giving the rigth warning)
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Postby dhc014 on Fri Apr 04, 2003 12:20 pm

The update is for your drive, the updater is just buggy...

Did my method work or not?
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Postby EagleDM on Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:04 pm

It turned out to be the NVIDIA IDE SW driver (nforce2) that was interfering with the IDE, after I changed back to microsoft driver, unit didn't work either (seems nvidia driver corrups the registry in windows) I reinstalled windows and NO nvidia SW driver and KABOOM updater worked like a champ !

Also I did try your method, and worked !

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Postby cfitz on Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:32 pm

Thanks for the follow-up report. I have had a similar experience where Microsoft's drivers worked better than the VIA 4-in-1 drivers.

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