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Unable to rip with Lite-ON XJ-HD166S

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Unable to rip with Lite-ON XJ-HD166S

Postby Implicit on Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:24 pm

Just got one installed yesterday to use with DXC. DRU-500AX works great with DXC but is just too slow at ripping however I can't seem to get DXC to like the XJ-HD166S. CDSpeed also barfs when trying to run with a DVD-Movie in the XJ-HD166S. Do I need a special firmware for region coding or something? :roll:
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Postby Shaman on Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:07 pm

Implicit wrote:
Just got one installed yesterday to use with DXC. DRU-500AX works great with DXC but is just too slow at ripping however I can't seem to get DXC to like the XJ-HD166S. CDSpeed also barfs when trying to run with a DVD-Movie in the XJ-HD166S. Do I need a special firmware for region coding or something?

I copied my first DVD movie from XJ-HD166S (the latest firmware) to a DRX500ULX (firmware 2.0e) using DVDXCopy version 1.5 (is DXC that?) without any problems on a DVD-R 4X media from Meritline. Learned about the compatibility from a post on the forum. I thought I would be copying directly from the DVD disk to DVD-R, but DVDXCopy first copied to hard drive and then from hard drive to DVD-R. The results, except for the fact that I needed two DVD-Rs because of the length of the recording, were a perfect copy including menus, DTS etc. Set my regions to the appropriate region for me which is region 1. Is any of this helpful? :)
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Postby cfitz on Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:17 pm

I don't know what you mean by "can't seem to get DXC to like" and "barfs". Could you tell us exactly what you are doing, what is happening and what error messages, if any, you get?

There is a chance that the CD Speed issue has to do with the encryption. Start CD Speed. Then start your DVD playback software and play a few moments of the DVD. Next, stop the playback. Now run CD Speed. Can you get a transfer rate test to work now?

As for making LiteOn/JLMS DVD drives region-free, Dimitri is your man:


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Postby Shaman on Wed Apr 02, 2003 2:02 pm

Perhaps my last post was off the mark. I am relatively new to this "area". If what I previously answered is irrelevant: You have my apologies. I may be missing the real issues Implicit is addressing. Meant well in any case. :oops: BTW: cfitz many thanks for all the valuable input, recommendations and utilities. It's a real education for me. :D
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Postby cfitz on Wed Apr 02, 2003 2:18 pm

Shaman wrote:Perhaps my last post was off the mark. I am relatively new to this "area". If what I previously answered is irrelevant: You have my apologies. I may be missing the real issues Implicit is addressing. Meant well in any case. :oops: BTW: cfitz many thanks for all the valuable input, recommendations and utilities. It's a real education for me. :D

Hi Shaman,

My post wasn't directed at you. I was addressing Implicit, and just asking him to be more "Explicit". :wink: That's all.

As for your own post, there is no need to apologize. Reporting your successful experience is useful. That way Implicit knows that it can be done and there is something wrong with his setup. Whether or not it addresses Implicit's real issues, I can't say, since I'm not sure what those issues are.

Anyway, Shaman, don't worry about it. You are likely a better resource for Implicit than I am, since I don't own either DVDXCopy or a Sony DRU-500. Thanks for the input.

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Postby vbl117 on Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:36 pm

Implicit it looks like you have forgotten to enable DMA on your DVD ROM drive or something like this . By the way with this drive you should be able to rip at 16X Max ( with a Single Layer 4.33 GO movie ) .


the faq gives info about "how to enable DMA" .
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Postby Dartman on Wed Apr 02, 2003 6:30 pm

Mine works fine with x copy and the 500a also. Yes it goes to the HD first then gets burned and my copies also come out perfect except for the warning screen and taking 2 disks.
I have DMA enabled on all the drives, I also have a 48 and 52 Liteon clone in the system and they work fine also except that any more then 2 drives burning at once is too much and one underuns eventualy.
You probably don't have the DMA enabled or some other glicth as was mentioned. Sometimes just putting drives on another IDE channel by itself will help too if you have the room.
It's nice that most new boards have IDE raid onboard plus regular IDE ports, lots of uptions and upgrade room :)
Some time I'll have to rearrange the drives to see if I can get 3 to burn at the same time and all work :)
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Postby Shaman on Wed Apr 02, 2003 6:55 pm

cfitz wrote:
Shaman wrote:Perhaps my last post was off the mark. I am relatively new to this "area". If what I previously answered is irrelevant: You have my apologies. I may be missing the real issues Implicit is addressing. Meant well in any case. :oops: BTW: cfitz many thanks for all the valuable input, recommendations and utilities. It's a real education for me. :D

Hi Shaman,

My post wasn't directed at you. I was addressing Implicit, and just asking him to be more "Explicit". :wink: That's all.

As for your own post, there is no need to apologize. Reporting your successful experience is useful. That way Implicit knows that it can be done and there is something wrong with his setup. Whether or not it addresses Implicit's real issues, I can't say, since I'm not sure what those issues are.

Anyway, Shaman, don't worry about it. You are likely a better resource for Implicit than I am, since I don't own either DVDXCopy or a Sony DRU-500. Thanks for the input.


Hi cfitz,
Thank you for your encouragement. Enjoyed the irony with Implicit/explicit. Always love that stuff. Compliments to you, Ian, and many others who help us focus on identifying the problem and come up with useful prompts to sort them out. Problems invite solutions and I have learned more from the problems than when things go right.
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