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Need your help in identifying the manufacturers of next cdrs

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Need your help in identifying the manufacturers of next cdrs

Postby Harrier on Fri Mar 28, 2003 7:15 am

I was going through the Cdrs section at at a local Office Depot.
I found these next cds and some info i gathered:

Verbatim - three kinds of them: 48X, 700M, yellowish writings, 40X 700M silver writings on the package, both come in pack, 10 cds, regular casing. Third Verbatim package was a nice 25 slim-cased cds with no rating speed professed. I can't remamber which is which but: One package had a "Made in India", the other had a "Made in mexico" (makes you wonder..) and the third had some indications that it was made in Europe ("crop of Euor'" or something like that). They are all Mitsubishi right?

TDK - three kinds: grey coloured, 5 pack, 700M, 40X
Image. Instantinfo says it's make by ritek. Seconed, Image. Instant says it's made by TY. I doubt we have TY here in Israel so it' is probably a package that looks like that and i'm to blame for jumbling..
I didn't find any indications of the home-land of the cds..

Sony - 5 pscked with yellow and blue patterns. Can't remember much besides the "Made in Japan". Should i be expecting TY?

Samsung - Spindles of 25 and packs of 10. 25's have some purple coloured cds in them, they are rated as 32X with a fancy "Coloured cds".

Philips - 48X, 700M, "Philips Gold", spindles and regular 10pcs.. "Made in Taiwan".

Also saw some memorexs. Almost all memorexs here are made by Ritek.

So, any comments on the makers of each cd and the history-performances you've experienced.

Thanks, ahead.
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Mar 28, 2003 8:42 am

The TDK 40x are made by Ritek and are excellent! 48X in similar packaging are made by TDK and are good also.

In case of the Verbatims- have a close look: DataLifePlus or media labelled "SuperAzo" are made by Mitsubishi. I've tried 40x and 48x Media made in India, Mexico and EU and have not seen any differences in quality.
DataLife or ValueLife are usually made by CMC (even if they are Made in Mexico). They are OK, but not as good as the SuperAzos. If you see DataLife "Made in Japan", they may even be TY!

I can't say anything about the other brands.

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Postby Harrier on Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:19 am

I've seen the SuperAzo writings over the package but i don't recall seeing DataLifePlus.. How maybe they were regular DataLife?
And how can you say Ritek are excellent?
They havn't been exactly praised around here though i have noticed a tiny "revolution" caused by some people here saying Ritek's new line of cds are way better than before.
Any truth there?
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:05 am

Harrier wrote:I've seen the SuperAzo writings over the package but i don't recall seeing DataLifePlus.. How maybe they were regular DataLife?

SuperAzo is the dye used by Verabtim/Mitsubishi for the DataLifePlus line.
Harrier wrote:And how can you say Ritek are excellent?
They havn't been exactly praised around here though i have noticed a tiny "revolution" caused by some people here saying Ritek's new line of cds are way better than before.
Any truth there?

I tried exactly these TDKs. Mentioned them in my very first post :D : http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=49963#49963. They're the only Riteks I've tried- I wouldn't vouch for other Riteks.

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Postby Harrier on Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:25 am

MediumRare wrote:
Harrier wrote:I've seen the SuperAzo writings over the package but i don't recall seeing DataLifePlus.. How maybe they were regular DataLife?

SuperAzo is the dye used by Verabtim/Mitsubishi for the DataLifePlus line.

Only datalifeplus?
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:35 pm

i've seen DataLifePlus Verbatims (the good stuff!) from India, Taiwan, Ireland, Europe ("product of EU") etc. ... they're all good.
i've never noticed Verbatim in yellow writing, only silver.
i don't know if this is the same as whay you say, but i saw a 25 pack slim jewel case DataLife (not Plus!), that said Made in Japan!!!!!! i don't know if they're Taiyo Yuden, didn't buy them. see my post here:
http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 7197#57197
if you get them check and let us know.

SuperAzo is the dye used in the DataLifePlus. the DataLife/ValueLife are usually CMC and thus NOT Azo. so if you see the word Azo on the box, it's pretty sure this is the DataLifePlus
check the box carefully, you'll see either DataLife or DataLifePlus.
by the way, the new Verbatim DLP, 40x and up, have both Super Azo and Crystal protective layer marked on the box. in the past, older media, this was not so: the DLP were Metal Azo or Super Azo; the DataLife/ValueLife (made by CMC, not as good) had the Crystal protective layer.

haven't seen any fast (40x and up) Verbatim that are not DLP.

the Verbatim DLP are good, they're what i use most of the time. i can heartily recommend them, wherever they are manufactured.

i've seen those 5 packs your'e talking about.
i've never before seen Sony that are made in Japan! the box never had on it "made in". only the addresses of Sony in France. but no "made in". nor on the paper insert in the individual CD jewel cases.

i've had 24x Sony that are TY. note: just 24x. the 16x and 32x were made by Sony. and they too didn't have any "made in Japan" on the box or on the jewel case.

if you try those 5-packs, let us know if they are indeed Taiyo Yuden.

i believe they are all CMC.
and from what i've read here on CDRLabs, bad CMC at that.

i haven't bought any, but i suspect (because they're similar in coloring/design to a CDR i have) that they are Prodisc.
(mentioned that in another thread of yours).

i'll have to try that 40x Ritek made!!!

if'when you buy any of that media, post here and let us know what you find.
Last edited by dodecahedron on Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need your help in identifying the manufacturers of next

Postby dodecahedron on Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:38 pm

Harrier wrote:Also saw some memorexs. Almost all memorexs here are made by Ritek.

how do you know?
have you bought and used Memorex?
what speed and what sort of packaging were they?
where did you buy them?
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Postby cfitz on Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:55 pm

Harrier wrote:They havn't been exactly praised around here though i have noticed a tiny "revolution" caused by some people here saying Ritek's new line of cds are way better than before.

I don't know if I am one of those "some people", but if not then here is my contribution to the "revolution":



Note that both are 40x discs burned and tested at 48x. They both start to do a bit worse out at the end where speeds are highest, so maybe they would be a bit better if burned at the rated 40x speed. But even so I can't complain about these results.

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Postby Darth on Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:44 pm

The 1-32x (colored and fanciful desifgns) made in japan Sony discs are from TY :)

This Disc is designed for CD-RW/COMBO Drive Only.
Disc Type, Material = CD-R, Cyanine
ATIP Lead-in = 97m 24s 01f
Norminal Capacity = 702.83MB (79m 59s 73f)
Disc Manufacturer maybe = Taiyoyuden DX-dye
SMART-BURN Speed Limit = 32X
LG GSA-H42N DVD-RAM (RJ11, auroreset RPC2)

Noise Control w/ Nero DriveSpeed 3.06
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Postby Harrier on Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:33 pm

dodecahedron, my mistake with the Sony.
Thanks for the itemized reply.
Anyway, the Verbatim cds i've seen certainly have yellow goldish writings on them with a 48X rated speed near.
And i have seen somethinAzo on the package.

Unfortunately, This is the scanty market of media here..
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