I was going through the Cdrs section at at a local Office Depot.
I found these next cds and some info i gathered:
Verbatim - three kinds of them: 48X, 700M, yellowish writings, 40X 700M silver writings on the package, both come in pack, 10 cds, regular casing. Third Verbatim package was a nice 25 slim-cased cds with no rating speed professed. I can't remamber which is which but: One package had a "Made in India", the other had a "Made in mexico" (makes you wonder..) and the third had some indications that it was made in Europe ("crop of Euor'" or something like that). They are all Mitsubishi right?
TDK - three kinds: grey coloured, 5 pack, 700M, 40X
. Instantinfo says it's make by ritek. Seconed, . Instant says it's made by TY. I doubt we have TY here in Israel so it' is probably a package that looks like that and i'm to blame for jumbling..
I didn't find any indications of the home-land of the cds..
Sony - 5 pscked with yellow and blue patterns. Can't remember much besides the "Made in Japan". Should i be expecting TY?
Samsung - Spindles of 25 and packs of 10. 25's have some purple coloured cds in them, they are rated as 32X with a fancy "Coloured cds".
Philips - 48X, 700M, "Philips Gold", spindles and regular 10pcs.. "Made in Taiwan".
Also saw some memorexs. Almost all memorexs here are made by Ritek.
So, any comments on the makers of each cd and the history-performances you've experienced.
Thanks, ahead.