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compatibility issues ? LTR-24102B

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compatibility issues ? LTR-24102B

Postby Max71 on Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:15 pm

Hello all, posting here re: a problem with installing OEM Lite-On LTR 24102B.

Burner originally had firmware 5KS3-- after running across the problems listed below, I updated to 5S5A firmware installed using FlashFix. The LTR-24102B shows up in device manager with 5S5A but I am still getting the following problems:

Drive letter automatically assigned is D: and I dont see this as conflicting with any other drive letters. configured in BIOS correctly (automatically). shows up as working in Device manager, with standard MS CD-ROM driver. When I click on anything that has to open up the file system, like My Computer or Windows Explorer or even Attach a file in Outlook Express, the system crashes. Any more ideas on what the problem could be ? I'm at wits end here

please email me with suggestions..

Buffer Underrun
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:07 pm

Postby Action Jackson on Mon Mar 24, 2003 9:59 pm

Bad flash?

First thing I would try is to unhook the cables, turn on the system, then turn it off, then reattach everything and see what happens.
Action Jackson
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Postby Max71 on Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:53 pm

done that several times to no avail
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:07 pm

Postby jase on Tue Mar 25, 2003 10:33 am

I have had similar problems on a Windows 98 PC, when I've had too much connected to it and the PSU wasn't able to cope. Try stripping your PC down to the bare minimal configuration and see if the problem still persists. If it goes away, a more powerful/higher quality PSU may fix your problem.
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