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distribution of members according to # of posts

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distribution of members according to # of posts

Postby dodecahedron on Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:05 pm

i guess i'm bored...it's 5AM and war might break out any minute... :o :wink:

0: 934
1: 1477
2: 825
3: 484
4: 281
5: 219
6: 114
7: 108
8: 67
9: 66
10: 58
11: 41
12: 33
13: 35
14: 35
15: 25
16: 17
17: 23
18: 15
19: 15
20: 16

00-10: 4633
11-20: 255
21-30: 75
31-40: 39
41-50: 26
51-60: 16
61-70: 9
71-80: 9
81-90: 12
91-100: 13

101-200: 34
201-300: 10
301-400: 8
401-500: 4
501-5685: 17

total of 5160 members.
yeah, guess who's with 5685 posts... :wink:
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Re: distribution of members according to # of posts

Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:27 pm

dodecahedron wrote:yeah, guess who's with 5685 posts... :wink:

The supreme master, Ian.
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Postby dhc014 on Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:47 pm

w00t! I am grouped with Ian!!!
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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:48 pm

dhc014 wrote:w00t! I am grouped with Ian!!!

Of course! You are a valued member who contributes a lot.

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Re: distribution of members according to # of posts

Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 19, 2003 12:27 am

dodecahedron wrote:i guess i'm bored...it's 5AM and war might break out any minute... :o :wink:

Post counts don't seem so important with war looming, do they? :( Since war appears to be inevitable now, I only hope it ends as quickly as possible with as little death and destruction as possible.

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:28 am

the reason i did this was because i was browsing the net-integration.net forum (Spybot Search & Destroy support forum is there), and out of curiosity checked their memberlist...52% 0 posts, 1 post 17%. so i thought i'd check what's up here at home :) 0 posts only 18%, 1 post 29%. we're doing better! :D

i was thinking of picking up wartime correspondence and writing up something in the Beer Garden about the Israeli wartime experience...
oh well, i may do that yet...

you might say that yesterday, march 18, was the "official" start of the war here. the ministry of defence issued an official directive to "seal the rooms", which means prepare your house for the forthcoming chemical-warhead-tipped missiles :x

i can only hope nothing will come of it. i mean no missiles dropping from the sky here.

also a massive recruitment of reserve army forces...

got me also thinking about the people in Baghdad (sp?). i do feel sorry for them...not for the Tyrant and his cronies and armies, but for the plain folk who are going to suffer much, probably many will die...too bad they have to suffer for the Tyrand to be got rid off.
</end of rant>
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Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:45 am

dodecahedron wrote:the reason i did this was because i was browsing the net-integration.net forum (Spybot Search & Destroy support forum is there), and out of curiosity checked their memberlist...52% 0 posts, 1 post 17%. so i thought i'd check what's up here at home :) 0 posts only 18%, 1 post 29%. we're doing better! :D

Hey that is nice to hear. Broad-based participation is a good thing, in my opinion.

dodecahedron wrote:i was thinking of picking up wartime correspondence and writing up something in the Beer Garden about the Israeli wartime experience...

I would be interested in reading it. I wonder if some would find it too controversial... :(

dodechedron wrote:you might say that yesterday, march 18, was the "official" start of the war here. the ministry of defence issued an official directive to "seal the rooms", which means prepare your house for the forthcoming chemical-warhead-tipped missiles :x

We aren't at that stage here, but the government has raised the terrorism danger level, and there is evidence of increased vigilance. Whether or not it will do any good, I don't know.

dodecahedron wrote:got me also thinking about the people in Baghdad (sp?). i do feel sorry for them...not for the Tyrant and his cronies and armies, but for the plain folk who are going to suffer much, probably many will die...too bad they have to suffer for the Tyrand to be got rid off.
</end of rant>

Yes, I can't even imagine their experience. They have suffered through several wars, continuous oppression, and now they are going through it all again. It is terrible. But isn't it always the same? The innocent suffer at the hands of the tyrants. Unfortunately there are powerful people and institutions all over the world that have an interest in seeing tyrants maintained in power. If the tyrants didn't have this external support, I wonder if their opportunities to bring suffering into the world would be more limited, and if they might be brought down without war and destruction. It is a shame.

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Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:15 am

dodecahedron wrote:got me also thinking about the people in Baghdad (sp?). i do feel sorry for them...not for the Tyrant and his cronies and armies, but for the plain folk who are going to suffer much, probably many will die...too bad they have to suffer for the Tyrand to be got rid off.

I feel sorry for them too. Saddam and his men are just a bunch of thugs. Once Iraq is pretty much destroyed or taken over, the man hunt for Saddam will be like the one going on for Bin Laden.
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