Your latest answers to Q1-Q12 are addressed below. I start with your previous post on startup items, because it is more urgent!
Your C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup looks OK. Well, you probably don't need most of these startup items (you could move their shortcuts to an archive directory, see what happens when you use the corresponding applications, and move some of them back if necessary).
C:\Documents and Settings\william colon\Start Menu\Programs\Startup also looks fine (unless Quicken and Bill Minder are seldom used).
As for the registry Run export, I googled for mobsync.exe, loadqm.exe, etc., and found some interesting links. These links show how to get rid of unnecessary startup items, but there are too many of them to be quoted here, so you will have to use Google yourself.
Anyway, mobsync is useless, wucrtupd is run by few users, loadqm is useless, qttask only starts the Quick Time tray icon, winampa just eats your resources, whereas BJCFD, ATTBroadbandClient and ATTBroadbandUpdate seem to be useless as well.
explore.exe is probably due to the Worm.ExploreZip virus!!!
See Symantec's and McAfee's warnings, and run some antivirus software! BTW, since I can't see any Run entries for such software, I'm wondering what kind of antivirus software you are using.
I don't know why you have the IEXPLORER entry; maybe other W2K users could comment here?
realsched (from RealOne) is useless.
The Com+Services entry looks strange. Does anybody know how to google for such terms that include the special + character?
Now, print sharing=c:\winnt\web\printers\images\start.bat could be the culprit responsible for your startup messages. Please post this start.bat file here.
Finally, NeroCheck and InCD are OK.
Of course, only explore.exe and start.bat are of immediate interest. Most of the remaining Startup and Run items could be removed to speed up your system, but you should read some Google links first, and this is not urgent. (BTW, on my XP box I only have one batch file in Startup for RAMDisk and 7 items in Run (two of which are Dell's rubbish, but I don't care)).
Your Driver Information extract from Nero InfoTool looks OK. The VERITAS drivers dmio.sys and dmload.sys have been replaced by similar Microsoft drivers in XP. Unless you really need Nero ImageDrive, you could uninstall it. BTW, I'm not sure why you didn't omit the Microsoft drivers; also the .dll files could be deleted (you may edit your post).
Concerning your answers to Q1-Q12:
Q2: The mobo and chipset are probably not important in your case (unless Nvidia IDE drivers are listed in Device Manager).
Q3: Why not SP3?
Q9: Apparently you have not removed any burning programs or plugins so far, so this might not be needed, but you could run RegClean (see S11.3); just back up your registry first.
Q11: Why don't you run the four dir commands, redirecting their output to text files as explained in S11.1? Sometimes file dates help as well.
Q12: The Nero log file should be produced/augmented for each Nero run. Have you not run Nero so far?