by Dartman on Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:36 am
You probably have a software or driver type conflict. When mine did that I think it was easy cd creater and Nero not being able to coexist on the same machine. Could also be some other driver or possibly a ASPI layer problem too.
Have you added or changed anything that might have something to do with the CDR that might be causing the problem?
You can try control alt del and see whats running in the background to see if 2 programs are running at the same time or if packet writing is turned on or something like that.
You could also do a f8 boot and use the one driver at a time boot to try things and see where it might be having problems.
If it's a problem with the IDE drivers you could remove the controler in device manager and let it redetect it, that sorts dome problems out too.
Try one thing at a time till you get it sorted out so you really find out the problem.
I'm sure others will jump in with other ideas and things I've missed to get you figured out, good luck.