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LG 4320B Combo burning issue

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LG 4320B Combo burning issue

Postby EKM on Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:28 am

I picked up the 4320B DVD/CD-RW combo a week or two back, and am getting really frustrated with CDs burnt with it. I've tried all the different speeds thinking they might be the problem, but no matter what I do, files burnt with my new drive will inevitably have some tiny error thrown into them - usually more than once.

Some divx movies I've burnt will give Media Player (or any other viewer) an I/O Device Error every minute or two, which causes Media Player to stop and me to have to find where I was in the movie again.

A couple of CD images I was trying to burn wouldn't run properly, giving one of Windows's patented gobbledygook "Memory Could Not Be Read" messages.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is, or how to fix it? I've tried LG's website for support, and they literally don't have ANYTHING to help.
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Postby EKM on Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:30 am

Oh, and I should mention:

Windows 2000, Celeron 900, 384mb, I've tried burning using Nero, Easy CD Creator, and CDRwin. My previous drive worked perfectly fine for this, but sadly I only have one 5.25" bay (thanks a lot, Dell).
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Postby Action Jackson on Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:35 am

What media are you burinng onto?
Action Jackson
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Postby EKM on Sun Mar 16, 2003 1:12 pm

PerfectMedia 700mb CDRs. My previous burner had no trouble with them, neither has my g/f's.
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Postby cfitz on Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:04 pm

Have you checked the discs' burn quality using CD Speed's Scan Disc and CD Quality Test functions?

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Postby EKM on Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:58 am

Alright, I just did that, the results were:

Scandisc: 96.92% Good, 0.00% Damaged, 3.08% Unreadable.

CD Quality check gives me a read error at 00:00:15 (code 040803) and aborts itself, which I'm fairly certain is not a good thing ;)
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Postby cfitz on Mon Mar 17, 2003 1:33 am

Those are definitely bad burns. I don't know who makes PerfectMedia discs, having never heard of them personally. Can you run CD Speed, select "Extra"->"Disc Info.." and report what it says?

Regardless of who makes PerfectMedia CD-Rs, I think your next step would be to get some other brand. It may not be that PerfectMedia is so perfect after all. And different drives work better with different discs. If you can, get some Fuji discs made by Taiyo Yuden. Best Buy and CompUSA both have some on sale this week. Check the Hot Deals forum here:


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