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Some assistance needed...

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Some assistance needed...

Postby YapaY on Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:07 am


Just purchased a LiteON LTR-52246S CD-RW, but I have a few questions relating to this drive and burning in general. Im pretty new to the burning world, previously I had a TEAC W54E CD-RW which could not write in RAW DAO so I couldnt back up any games, plus it was only 4x MAX!

A few questions.....

My firmware is 6S0A, I have looked at the LiteOnIt site and there is a newer one available (6S0C) but when I try to run it, the update tells me that the update is only for drives with firmware 6S01 so what gives?

Also how the heck do you turn of that damn smart-burn crap. I have TDK and KODAK cd's here rated at 24x and 40x speed compatible but stupid Smart-burn only allows my burner to burn at 12x MAX or sometimes even 1xMAX!!!!!!! how crap! I would like to turn it off but do not know how.....

What software do you recommend with this drive? I have read that the ASUS and LiteON burners are good for copy protection, I have downloaded CD-Mate and Alcohol 120% but both dont offer to turn of smart burn, and I dont want to be burning at 1x or 12x max speed. Nero does offer the ability to turn of smart burn but doesnt do well with safedisk2 games.....

anyway does anyone here have this drive? I think its the latest one from LiteOn as its listed on the top of their specs.... did i make a good choice in this drive? I was also thinking of ASUS but they were a bit more expensive and slower at the same time.

I just hope macrovision doesnt black list my drive :(

thanks in advance,

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Postby Action Jackson on Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:39 am

If you are using Nero, dig around in the "Choose Recorder" section. It does have a feature to turn off Smart-Burn but I wouldn't recommend it.
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Postby banzibaby on Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:20 am

Did U have the prob before or after installing Alcohol?U might need 2 go into the emulation options in alcohol & un check the option called ingnore media type.U also dont want 2 switch of Smartburn.as for the firmware download version 6S01 & flash making sure 2 back up Ur original Fw if possible.Then try the new firmware after rebooting

Yep Accohol or CloneCd is prob the best 2 use with this drive.I have 1 to & have no complaints apart from occasionally gettin a slowburn, but think that more to do with type of cdr im using.U got a good drive there.Alcohol does have an option 4 turning of buffer underrun protection, but cant rem if in options or when U try 2 burn

Hope The Info Helps M8

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Postby hoxlund on Sun Mar 16, 2003 12:42 pm

the best burning backup for copying all software is Clony XXL and Clonecd

what clony xxl does is scan the cd in the drive for the type of protection used, then with another program called profiler, it loads the correct reading parameters into clonecd, then make an image with that

thats it, just burn it with data cd profile, perfect backup, found this technique better than using blindwrite even

about your firmware, go here for firmware: http://forum.firmware-flash.com/dl_firm ... ad_id=1442

your 1x-2x problems are indeed because you don't have latest firmware loaded on your ltr-52246s, btw i bought my 52x24x52x at staples, brand new, for only $10 + tax
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Postby vbl117 on Sun Mar 16, 2003 2:11 pm

I am not skilled about Smartburn ( i use an old burner ) .

The best burning software existing for copying purpose is Alcohol 120 without doubt . It can copy even Safedisk 2.80 and Securom New 4.83 .
Clone Cd can't copy them , so "hoxlund" it is not true to say it is the better copying software . Some people have said to me that Alcohol 120 was the better copying software ( Vio_Man not to name it ) and i have checked it in some copying forums . Now you know it .

Clony XXL is useful for detecting protections , it's true .

This drive is the better choice ( especially for his copying abilities ) . Noone will create some software protections against one particular kind of optical drive .

Many people own this drive :D
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Postby cfitz on Sun Mar 16, 2003 2:55 pm

That is some weird stuff you have going on there. I haven't heard of anyone having trouble flashing a genuine LiteOn with LiteOn updates for the matching drive model. To get around this, you can modify the flash updater program with FlashFix so that it will flash any drive (even ones it shouldn't - so be careful). However, I would wait until dhc014 chimes in about this. He is the expert around here about LiteOn firmwares.

SMART-BURN can be disabled in Nero, as Action Jackson suggests, through "Recorder"->"Choose Recorder"->"Options>>" and then unchecking the "SMART-BURN enabled" box. But, as everyone has said, in general it isn't a good idea to disable it. Having it so severely restrict your burning speeds just doesn't make sense, and is outside the realm of my experiences. In fact, 1x isn't even a speed at which the LTR-54246S can burn, or at least it isn't a speed you can choose to burn at. The lowest speed you can select is 4x.

LiteOn has a utility that is also, somewhat unfortunately, named SMART-BURN that will tell the speed at which your drive will burn the media, as selected by the SMART-BURN technology. Download it and see what it says for your media. By the way, are you saying you have some 40x Kodak media, or did I misread your post?

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Postby Action Jackson on Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:05 pm

CloneCD and Alcohol 120% are excellent programs and they both work well on my LiteON's.
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Postby hoxlund on Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:29 pm

clonecd does indeed copy all those protection schemes, and for alcohol are there speed settings or what not for setting to read newest schemes, didn't think so

name a game that uses either of those protection schemes, and ill check to make sure it does do it, cause clonecd will copy anything, its all what settings profiler tells clonecd
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Postby hoxlund on Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:50 pm

also for alcohol i can't find a crack or serial anywhere, just to let you know :(

thats what makes clonecd better as well
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Postby banzibaby on Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:27 pm

U can If Use Kazaalite And serch software for alcohol. ift find quite a few cracks & serials M8 and even retail versions of it ,but mostly trail version

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Postby hoxlund on Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:36 pm

no way am i installing kazaa, any form

but anyways i looked on astalavista, and all there is, is cracks for older versions, which don't work

if astalavista doesn't have it, no one on kazaa will
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Postby cfitz on Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:37 pm

Please guys, no advocating of cracks, warez, etc. here. See point 8 of the posting rules:


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Postby banzibaby on Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:45 pm

U want 2 bet on that .kazaalite i s wherei got my copy of alcohol.
But as cfitz says mabye here isnt the best place for this .If U Pm me i migh be able 2 help U out


Sorry for the hassle cfitz didnt mean 2 upset any1
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Postby vbl117 on Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:22 am

Don't speak no more about craks , warez etc .. And Hoxlund i still say you are wrong . Check in some forums if you don' trust me . Clone Cd contains the profiles , of course , but can't handle them ( i mean a working copy without emulation ) . CHECK !!! I'll no more reply to you . I don' t care if you don't trust me , if you were REALLY interested in it you could find the info in many english forums ( i don't think you can read foreign languages :D ) or by more direct ways . I don't have to waste time with you and you can think what you want even if it is false . And i don' t want to begin a war thread with someone which can easily check what i say if he wants rather than speaking .

Sorry , if i have said too many "warez" things Ian and Cfitz ! I' ll not speak anymore .
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Postby cfitz on Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:52 am

Ian should correct me if I am wrong, but simply discussing Clone CD, Alcohol 120%, BlindWrite, etc. is acceptable on the forums. After all, CDRLabs does have a Clone CD forum. And making a backup copy, for personal use only, of a CD you have already legally purchased is a legitimate activity. At least it is in my book. Where things go astray, in the context of these forums, is when one advocates or explains how to get cracks, warez and such with the intention of teaching or encouraging people to steal software and use it without purchasing a legitimate license. Anyway, that is my interpretation of the rules. Ian, please correct me if I have misstated the rules.

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