I thought your question sounded familiar. Didn't you already ask this question, or is there some subtle variant I am missing?
http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 3980#53980
Anyway, I don't see anything in that brochure claiming superior audio
burning qualities. It just says it does 52x DAE and has digital audio output. Neither of these have anything to do with writing, they apply only to reading. And they aren't unique to this drive. All modern CD-RW drives do DAE and have digital audio outputs. The 52x top speed for DAE is good, but isn't unique to this drive. For example, check the DAE speeds on the ASUS CRW-5224A:
http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.ph ... erformance
In summary, there is nothing special about the audio qualities of this drive. If you want a drive with special features designed to improve audio quality (I can't comment on whether these features actually make an audible difference), then get a Yamaha with its AMQR or a Plextor with its VariRec.