by tlotz on Sat Mar 15, 2003 12:58 am
Well it looks as though my bad luck with the 48/24/48A drive is finally over. This is my second 48/24/48A drive--it has the TLA #0001 and was made in October 2002 and Assembled in China. I posted to this forum concerning write to/erasure (full erasure, that is) problems with the 48/24/48A drive and Verbatim Ultra Speed CD-RW media. To help better diagnose the problem, I called Verbatim and requested replacement discs. I needed a different batch of Verbatim 24X CD-RW media to test the drive, and because of my conversation with another person experiencing this problem, I thought my media was defective. Because of how long Verbatim is taking to send the replacement discs, I drove a 120 mile round trip to Microcenter and back to buy my own replacement Verbatim Ultra Speed 24X CD-RW media. I could not wait for Verbatim's discs anymore, and I could not wait for new media from an online vendor to come. Since the second pack of 24X CD-RW media (a 5-pack) didn't work any better than the first 10-pack of 24X CD-RW media, I figured that the drive was most *likely* the issue. Which is what I initially thought, until my conversation with another person who appeared to have the same problem. This week, I decided to take on Plextor for warranty support. After getting a *lot* of *grief* from Plextor, I finally got someone compotent, intelligent, and even helpful. Yes, Plextor support, both on the phone, and their online support, has been absolutely horrible. My software setup and the Verbatim media has been blamed by Plextor's tech support. But never the drive. Well, this helpful individual happened to be a head engineer working at Plextor America's California headquarters. He issued a call tag for my TLA #0001 drive. So I didn't pay a cent for the FedEx overnight shipping to the west coast--Plextor payed for it. Plextor received the drive yesterday, and today it was determined that the issue that I experienced with the Ultra Speed CD-RW media was a problem with the drive. Yes, the drive failed intermittedly for the Plextor engineering team no matter what Ultra Speed CD-RW media was thrown at it, in exactly the same fashion that I described. One of the things that made the clueless Plextor technical support think that the problem was with the media or my system was the fact that the drive's diagnostic test passed, not once, but twice. But that test was with CD-R media (which the drive worked great with), so I knew that the test may not be able to diagnose this problem!! Nonetheless, the clueless tech support at Plextor put all their faith in that diagnostic test, and blamed the problem on my software setup and my Verbatim Ultra Speed CD-RW media. Well, now the engineering department at Plextor has examined the drive and has confirmed that the drive is defective, despite the dumb diagnostic test. Just like I thought originally! I will get a *new* retail drive shipped to me next week--no refurbished crap! Plus, I will get all new Ultra Speed CD-RW media from Plextor to replace all of my Verbatim 24X Ultra Speed CD-RW media--not that my media was at fault! This should be the end of my problems with Plextor.