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Cendyne Cd Recorder & Roxio Easy CD Creater software

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Cendyne Cd Recorder & Roxio Easy CD Creater software

Postby fxtion69 on Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:26 pm

I had a LG' series Cd writer that came already installed on my hard drive ,It came with the Adaptec Easy Cd Cretor software. I loved it because it was so user friendly. Recently the software stopped working , told me that There was no supported Cd recorders found on my system.
Although the drive shows up in my control panel / system folder and says that it is working properly, it still was not recognized by my software nor the program called "Real Jukebox"...after becoming frustrated I went and bought another CD recorder , installed it and it works fine, but I want to use my Easy Cd creator with it...but It also says there is no supported Recorder recognized on my system. It came with the Nero software , It works okay, But I don't like that software. "Is there a way to make the CD recorder able to be used by the EASY CD Creator software?...I have tried to download all the driver updates, fixes...and it still won't work...Can anyone help me?

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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:30 pm

What change did you make to your system that caused Easy CD Creator to stop working with the original burner? It might be the Real Jukebox software that is causing the problem with the original burner.

As for the new Cendyne burner, you probably won't be able to get your original copy of Easy CD Creator to work with it because that copy is probably a bundled version that only works with the original LG drive.

What are the exact model numbers of the drives and software versions?

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Postby fxtion69 on Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:49 pm

I didn't make any changes..and the Real Jukebox was already there as well..I haven't had any problems with it all working together properly. It just decided to clunk out one day. But I knoew that the CD writer that I took out was still a good drive, because it was showing up in my system as the new one is too. I use to be able to Burn CD's right from my real jukebox program as well...without any problems at all. the only thing I could think of is that make it was something that was perhaps accidently deleted or changed that I don't know of...I have teenagers that are always getting on my PC while I'm at work...and when I come home ,,,I have a Blue screen on the monitor with error messages...IMy C:/ drive is now on the verge of crashing..because now when I boot up ...it gives me an error message that says "imminent failure"..and asks me to press the F1 key to continue...I bought a new drive in which I loaded my windows operating system on to boot in case it did clunk out before i was done transferring all my files over to the new drive....In which then I am going to take that C:\ drive completely out and make my new drive my C;\ drive....Do you think that this could be the problem as far as it not working right??
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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:51 pm

cfitz wrote:As for the new Cendyne burner, you probably won't be able to get your original copy of Easy CD Creator to work with it because that copy is probably a bundled version that only works with the original LG drive.

no, i don't think so.
i'm not sure but i think Easy CD Creator works will all drives (isn't locked to a particular brand like Nero sometimes is).
if Easy CD Creator doesn't recognize the new Cendyne, the reasons are probably:
1. there is some problem with the computer (same problem that stopped it working with the original burner).
2. the version of Easy CD Creator you have is rather old, so it doesn't recognize the (new) drive.

for #2, a simple solution is to go to www.roxio.com and download an update to the software.
i'm assuming it is Easy CD Creator 5 basic, not Platinum, that you have.
here is the software updates page (for ECDC5) at roxio:
http://www.roxio.com/en/support/ecdc/so ... esv5.jhtml
and assuming it is the basic version you have, then the link at the bottom takes you here:
http://www.roxio.com/en/support/ecdc/ec ... dt53.jhtml
download the update (the latest one is ecdc_v5.3.4.21_basic_enu.exe).
if Easy CD Creator still doesn't recognize the drive (not likely IMO), you may need to update the drive database, by clicking on the link at the bottom right of the same page DriveUp5.3.4a.exe.

if updating Easy CD Creator doesn't solve your probs, then it must be #1.
in order to help you out you must provide more info on your system, like cfitz said. (this may be actually quite likely, since there must be something afoot, that cause the first burner to stop working right)

good luck!
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Postby fxtion69 on Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:57 pm

Thanks,...but as i stated before I've already visited that site and downloaded all the updates, fixes, and they don't work....and I updated to the 5.0 pltinum version of the Easy CD creator because I thought that it would work since the 4.0 deluxe had stopped working...but still no results...maybe I'll have to uninstall everything and start from scratch.
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:02 pm

dodecahedron wrote:1. there is some problem with the computer (same problem that stopped it working with the original burner).
(this may be actually quite likely, since there must be something afoot, that cause the first burner to stop working right)

Yes, it is now obvious that there are plenty of problems that have stopped fxtions69's computer from working, as indicated in fxtion69's second post. :( Apparently, dodecahedron, you were still composing while fxtion69 was replying.

Fxtion69, that is a lot of important information to leave out. :o Obviously your system is a mess, and you need to get it into a stable state before even thinking about debugging the problem you first described. If Nero is working right now, then use it to back up what files you can, then fix your computer and rebuild your system. After that, we can talk. :wink: 8)

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:11 pm

Oops....sorry, must've missed you said that.
anyway i'll leave all that stuff, might help someone else.

since you say that your C drive is on the verge of crashing, and you continually get bluse screens of death, it seems reasonlable to assume that something must be seriously messed up with your computer.

as you're already contemplating this, why don't you do a fresh install of the operating system on the new hard drive. after that install the Easy CD Creator you first got and apply all the updates, but do not install Real Jukebox.
let's see if the drives, both old and new, work now.
next, if you want to, install the Jukebox. hopefully things will still be working allright with both drives.

if not we can try further to dianose the problems.

by the way, another "update" worth considering is to update the firmware of your CDRW drive (the old one i'm talking).
only if you feel technical enough (or brave enough) to try.
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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:13 pm

cfitz wrote:
dodecahedron wrote:1. there is some problem with the computer (same problem that stopped it working with the original burner).
(this may be actually quite likely, since there must be something afoot, that cause the first burner to stop working right)

Yes, it is now obvious that there are plenty of problems that have stopped fxtions69's computer from working, as indicated in fxtion69's second post. :( Apparently, dodecahedron, you were still composing while fxtion69 was replying.

yes, as can be seen from the time-stamps of the posts LOL :lol:
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Postby fxtion69 on Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:26 pm

Thanks,...but as i stated before I've already visited that site and downloaded all the updates, fixes, and they don't work....and I updated to the 5.0 platinum version of the Easy CD creator because I thought that it would work since the 4.0 deluxe had stopped working...but still no results...maybe I'll have to uninstall everything and start from scratch.
By the way my Cendyne CD Burner is model LITE-On LTR-52246S it's a 52/24/52 speed CD-RW Drive...does that help any?
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Postby jmbrown12 on Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:58 pm

fxtion69 wrote:Thanks,...but as i stated before I've already visited that site and downloaded all the updates, fixes, and they don't work....and I updated to the 5.0 platinum version of the Easy CD creator because I thought that it would work since the 4.0 deluxe had stopped working...but still no results...maybe I'll have to uninstall everything and start from scratch.
By the way my Cendyne CD Burner is model LITE-On LTR-52246S it's a 52/24/52 speed CD-RW Drive...does that help any?

The updates don't work. Does that mean they won't install or they install and still provide no support for the recorder?

Your liteOn was first supported in version 5.3.4 so you need to get that update installed. If the update is installing OK try hitting it with the engforce utility:

http://softwareupdates.roxio.com/gm/sup ... gforce.exe

This utility will revert some files back to a previous version so reininstall the update again after running engforce.
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:11 pm

fxtion69 wrote:By the way my Cendyne CD Burner is model LITE-On LTR-52246S it's a 52/24/52 speed CD-RW Drive...does that help any?

Platinum has supported the LTR-52246S since version

http://rpp.roxio.com/drives/?page=suppo ... ives&ltr=L

However, the Cendyne 522452AX and 522452AL have only been supported since version

http://rpp.roxio.com/drives/?page=suppo ... ives&ltr=C

How is your drive identified? If it is identified as a Cendyne 52246AX or 522452AL or something else other than a LiteOn LTR-52246S, that might have something to do with Easy CD Creator not recognizing the Cendyne since you seem to be running version 5. I'm not familiar enough with it to be certain. But let's stop shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. Fix the computer's more fundamental problems first! :)

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Postby fxtion69 on Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:16 pm

Well when i try to install the updates it tells me that the file can't be installed and then it closes. My drive identified as a Lite On LTR-52246S only the box that it came in say that it's a Cendyne CD/RW Drive. But I am going to try now to re-install the drive updates and see what happens. Thanks alot for the support.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:24 pm

i think the best thing to do now is to re-install the operating system and start with a fresh system, install the software + all of the updates.
then we can see if things work, and if you still have problems, what needs fixing.
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