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CENDYNE Lightning V cd-rw vs. BUSLINK 52X cd-rw, which one??

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CENDYNE Lightning V cd-rw vs. BUSLINK 52X cd-rw, which one??

Postby XRey02 on Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:38 pm

I'm trying to determine which of two 52X CD-RW's is the better one to invest in.

Which is better, the CENDYNE Lightning V 52x24x52x CD-RW
--or--, the BUSLINK 52X CD-RW??

Thanx... :-?
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Postby cfitz on Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:58 pm

No one can say, because the actual drives packed in Cendyne and Buslink boxes vary. Both companies rebadge drives made by other manufacturers such as LiteOn, Benq, etc., and the particular drive found in any given box isn't guaranteed.

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Postby cfitz on Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:38 pm

As a follow-up to your private message, let me add that while the Cendyne seems to be packing LiteOn's in their 52x boxes pretty consistently (although I won't guarantee it 100%), Buslink definitely puts multiple, different brands of 52x writers in their 52x boxes. So, as I said, because the actual contents of the boxes aren't guaranteed, so you can't make any meaningful comparisons between them.

By the way, and this is not meant to be a public chastising singling out XRey02, everyone please review point 5 of the forum rules:


It is for everyone's benefit if all technical questions are kept in the public forums. I received several private messages today from several different people regarding technical matters, and I would like to discourage that practice. 8)

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Postby burninfool on Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:32 pm

I just bought the Buslink at Circuit City for $79($29 after rebates)and it is indeed a Lite-On LTR52246S and it was flashed with 6S0C firmware!
Look for BURN-PROOF on the box.
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CENDYNE Lightning V cd-rw vs. BUSLINK 52X cd-rw, which one??

Postby XRey02 on Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:51 pm

Thanks for the feedback, it was most helpful. I was wondering if the Buslink might in-fact be the Lite-On LTR52246S.

Since I'm now confident that both the Cendyne & Buslink are using the same Lite-On model [at least for this week] I can save $10 as Circuit City has the better sale right now.
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Re: CENDYNE Lightning V cd-rw vs. BUSLINK 52X cd-rw, which o

Postby cfitz on Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:18 pm

XRey02 wrote:Since I'm now confident that both the Cendyne & Buslink are using the same Lite-On model [at least for this week] I can save $10 as Circuit City has the better sale right now.

No, you are not confident. Or at least you shouldn't be. You might get a LiteOn in your BusLink box, but you might not. Just because burningfool did doesn't mean you will also. BusLink uses more than one source for their 52x drives.

Looking for "SMART-BURN" on the box or an "LTR-..." part number will improve your chances of finding a LiteOn inside, but unfortunately even that won't guarantee it anymore. Some have reported finding drives other than LiteOn in the box despite these clues that LiteOn ought to be inside.

As an example, take burninfool's erroneous (again) advice. "BURN-Proof" is not a technology used by LiteOn. "BURN-Proof" is a trademark of Sanyo ( http://www.burn-proof.com/ ). LiteOn uses MediaTek chipsets, not Sanyo chipsets, and calls their burn quality assurance technology "SMART-BURN" and sometimes, in the past, "Just-BURN". Thus, if burninfool's box truly did say "BURN-Proof" on the outside as he states, one would have expected it to contain a drive that uses Sanyo's chipset, not a LiteOn. So you can't even trust the boxes anymore.

However, this shouldn't stop you from trying. And if you want to improve your chances, look for "SMART-BURN", not "BURN-Proof" (again, no guarantees.)

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Postby burninfool on Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:39 pm

Erroneous(again)?What are you talking about?
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a duck(READ:I know a lite-On when I see one).
I'm sorry I meant SMARTBURN,cfitz can you ever find
it in your heart to forgive me?
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Postby cfitz on Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:44 pm

burninfool wrote:Erroneous(again)?What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the high percentage of posts you have made with inaccurate or misleading advice. I'm not expecting you to be 100% right all the time. No one is, including me. But please take some care to be accurate when posting advice. People come here looking for the right answers, not the wrong ones.

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Postby burninfool on Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:11 pm

After using the Buslink(Lite-On)LTR52246S for 4 days I have to say it is AWESOME!
This drive is smokin' fast with no errors burning mp3's at 52x(OEM CD-R) and it let me burn my old 16x Verbatim(Mitsubishi) CD-R's at 32x!
Only bundled Nero( allow 52x writing,NTI CD Maker would max.out at 32x and RecordNow DX would only say"MAX","MID" and "MIN".
Another thing I noticed was noise...or lack of it,I was expecting the notorious jet engine.
The store price was steep($79.99USD) but after rebates($29.99)it is a great deal and would recommend this drive to anyone.
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