by 1coadman on Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:20 pm
OK, will report back sometime(once we have things figured out!) I know my son has already burned a few CD's with it. Since I have the Lite-on, with the Nero software, we will play around with them and see how we like each. We have a few Fuji 24x CD/R's, and I know on my Lite-on, I burned up to 40X speed fine, music sounds ok, but havent tried to check for the "errors" you guys have been giving with your reports(I'll have to do some more reading). I do know on his first CD he tried to burn with the Fuji's, he tried at 40X, and showed to complete the burn with all the song titles, but when he went to play the CD, only about 3/4 of the songs were on the disc. Tried another CD at a 12X speed, and all songs were recorded and played like they were supposed to. I do believe he read a little, and did a firmware upgrade before the second attempt. So, I dont know if the firmware upgrade or the slower 12X speed were responsible for the success. We will report what we find, when we have more information. Thanks,