I am wondering if there is anyway to try out a Seagate 15.3K SCSI HD in person like at a store, etc ? The reason i am asking this because i want to test out in person to feel the difference between the fastest SCSI HD vs the fastest IDE HD. I like being able to see if it feels much different. Sometimes i try to install a demo game, then download something else on the internet, then surf the internet, etc all at the same time. Sometimes i do more than that. I know you all are going to say a SCSI HD won't do me any good but i want to know if i can feel a pretty big difference like earth shattering with the Seagate 15.3K SCSI HD vs the fastest IDE HD.
I think in a way i will expect to much speed out of a Seagate 15.3K SCSI HD and be disappointed so thats why i wanted to see if there was anyway to feel the difference. I seem to tend to expect more out of piece of hardware sometimes.