My CenDyne (Lite-On) 52x24x52 burner has problem to recognize these CD-R media: Philips 48x, ValueDisc 32x, I/OMagic 48x, Imation 48x, Precision 40x. Some person here says it is because all these brands are CMC CD-R media, which are incompatible with Lite-On burners. Those cheap media are very popular now - some of them are free after rebates. I should either avoid these media to fit my Lite-on, or get rid of my CenDyne ($50 Lite-on, good) burner and switch to Pacific Digital ($10 Top-G, best) or Buslink ($20 Aopen, better) 52x24x52 burners. These two have no problem with these cheap media !
What else brands are CMC CD-R media?