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What is considere cd quality bitrates when encoding music

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What is considere cd quality bitrates when encoding music

Postby TheOverClocker on Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:22 am

Just what the topic says
CD-RW Thug
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Postby cfitz on Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:49 am

I assume you mean compressed bitrates.

It depends on what encoder you are using and whose ears are forming the opinion. For mp3 encoding, LAME provides a number of preset encoding options that might give you an idea.

The --alt-preset standard setting averages about 192 kbps (variable bit rate), and is generally considered to be very good quality. The --alt-preset extreme setting averges about 256 kbps (also variable bit rate), and to most people is CD quality. The --alt-preset insane setting tops out at 320 kbps (constant bit rate) and is indistinguishable, by mere mortals, from a completely uncompressed stream.

Of course, all of these are subjective, and open to interpretation by the listener.

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Just a way without presets

Postby Killer on Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:46 am

After a long period of searching and testing I have come up with this options when cd quality is needed:

    CD quality:
    cbr -256 stereo mode, by LAME

    exact command line:
    lame -b 256 -m s -k -q 0 track.wav track.mp3
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Postby manni on Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:55 am

Ogg Vorbis encoder is capable to achieve near CD quality for much smaller bitrate than MP3. I have experienced even better quality with 128 kbps ABR .ogg than my 192 kbbs ABR LAME encoded MP3's (this is only my opinion).
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