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"Warning! The drive seems unable to report damaged sect

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"Warning! The drive seems unable to report damaged sect

Postby Tony B on Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:23 pm

When I run the nero cd speed ScanDisk test, I get the following message: "Warning! The drive seems unable to report damaged sectors". If I click OK, the program then goes on with the test and reports all the written sector as good, the one after all the good ones is "unreadable", the rest are "not used".

I have a new Yamaha CRW-F1. Does anyone know if that warning indicates a defect in the drive, or is that normal for the model?

Tony B
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Postby cfitz on Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:49 pm

It is normal for the Yamaha F1. It does not report C2 errors, at least not with the normal mmc command set used by CD Speed (it has been reported that it is able to report C2 errors with a custom command set, but I do not know if this is true). In any event, what you are seeing with CD Speed is normal for this drive. As a consequence, even if there are damaged sectors on the CD, they will show up as green, good sectors when tested on your F1.

The final, unreadable sector is likely because your disc wasn't finalized.

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