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!!!!Modify Iriver imp400 mp3cdplayer upgrade-firmware!!!

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!!!!Modify Iriver imp400 mp3cdplayer upgrade-firmware!!!

Postby nypk on Sun Feb 23, 2003 12:34 am

:evil: Since,We talk about the cdrws and dvds in this form. Maybe we can talk about some new generation cd-player also.Because it's direct related.
Let's talk about a new mp3cdplayer slim400 which is now most popular one in the market.This one is the new release one after the iriver's slimx series cd-player imp350 Won 2002 World Class Award from PC world maganzine. The korean company claim that this player can support almost every popular music format(mp3,wma,asf) in the current market and support feature format(mp3pro,AAC,QDX) by simply upgrade the firmware.Otherfeatures are too many to tell(Honestly,don't think that I'm working for this company,I didn't want to sell this product to U)
For more info,go to their websitehttp://www.iriver.com
I bought this product for $217 at J&R on Dec. Although I'm a stingy nuts,I spent lots E; on this one.But I'm not regret because this slim little babe has so many features on it and I'm amazed. Not only It support English, but 37 language. But The cons I found is that this player also has a few bugs and the logo is unchangeable. so I decide to
modify their firmware then fixed these bugs myself.
Here is how: 1st download their firmware file
here. unzip it we get IMP-400.hex(this is the firmware file version 1.20) this is a hex file the iriver people encoded.
Then we have to decode this *.hex extention file to a binary *.bin file
which we can modify further in later on.
u can download this decode tool
here unzip it in Ms-dos prompt type the following command idecode IMP-400.HEX image.bin (imp-400 must be in the same dictory with idecode.exe file)
then u can get image.bin file.u can modify this firmware program in ur own favorite style by using this hexeditor
edit their hex code and change the default features and language features.And unlock and add some more hidden functions.
Or If u wanna change the logo to ur own favor u can download this tool
here The usage of this tool u can learn from the package.Consider it's time consuming and would be longlasting pargraphy.So here I skip the instruction on how to use and modify the logo and hex files.
After U modified the bin file U have to encode it back to the original code Hex file(*.hex). So the player can read and use it to update. what? U don't know how? OK, don't worry, follow instructions.
Download this encoderhere
unzip and run it at dos prompt/ reigncom2hex Image.bin IMP-400.Hex IMP-400 -
Then u get the IMP-400.hex. U know what to do now? This method also works for other fireware upgradeable mp3 player.sh...sh... Don't tell anyone that I told u this, Iriver would fire me for telling this. Now U are on ur own to crash and burn ur cd-player. Go ahead!!!
Remeber ur cd-player may disfunction or even permanet damage. Any miss use of this method could cause invoid of warranty.
Don't try if u don't 100% sure what u r doing? Don't say I didn't warn u and blame me after U crash ur cd-player.Use it at ur own risk. This method is provided as it. No warranty or any kind. If u have questions email me [url=mailto:lf@k.st]at[/url] And I'd love to hear from u for ur advice and U can send ur modified file or logo file to me If u like.
Credit goes to the Russian group who gave out their tools and make it possible to modify the iriver fireware file.
Thank you for reading this!! :wink:
Last edited by nypk on Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:01 am

Thanks for the info, but what was the point of that? I also believe this belongs in the hardware forum.
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Postby aznjosh on Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:09 am

the sllimx 350 looks a lot lot lot better then the 400.
Buffer Underrun
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Did u get this cd-player?

Postby nypk on Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:14 am

If u got this cd-player Maybe U know what i'm talking about.
Cz U can use the modified firmware file on lots of cheap mp3-cd players like Soul DMP-01 Riove and RioPort and SONICblue etc. Cause company of this cheap less features mp3-player usually lack of firmware support.
U can use this iriver's firmware to upgrade ur cd-player and let those cheap cd-play have more features like the $200 one. of course u need to do so modification to hex file to change the file header and some function may not support by other cheap cd-player. Such as study function and 16mins antiskip function or winamp playlist function
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:17 am

!!!!!!!!!!!!Can you hack my Nomad II MG for me? !!!!!!!!!!!Creative is nice enough to encrypt the firmware updates, !!!!!!!!!!!so you will have to get past that.!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:roll: :roll: :wink:!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi!! dhc014, Do u like hack?

Postby nypk on Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:28 am

Hi! Mr(Ms.)dhc014 I'm glad that this kind of modification(since u don't like to call it hack or crack) also brings u attention.
I thought u don't like hackin stuff!!
So I'm afraid to talk about it so often. Cz I think this kind of stuff may violate ur guys' forum rules. U guys said it is prohibit to talk about key generator or cracking stuff.
If u guys won't blame me for this violation, Maybe I could talk about some more on how to modify the Microsoft WMA copy right protection and Netmd copy protection.
Maybe there could be some way to modify the nomad too.
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