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CD-R media question - PLZ HELP

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CD-R media question - PLZ HELP

Postby aniv3 on Mon Feb 10, 2003 4:05 pm

The choice of cd-r's where I live is quite small Haven't found any Verbatim, fuji or stuff like that, mostly: TDK's and Sony (made in europe)...
finally I found Maxell CD-R 80 XL-S (X48) 50 cd spindle -
I know that Maxell has a bad rep, but these cd's where made in japan so I took a chance - maybe they r Taiyo Yuden...
can any1 give me his impression of these cd's????
is it safe 2 burn them without having 2 worry 2 much bout error rates or them degrading quickly???

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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Feb 10, 2003 8:30 pm

hello! :D

any Office Depot (and probably other office supply stores) sell Verbatim CD-Rs. the latest i've seen are 24x, haven't seen any faster than that. that's what i use mostly - it's considered very good media (the Verbatim DataLifePlus, not DataLife or ValueLife which are not as good).

can you please tell where did you find made in Japan Maxell?

if they are really made in Japan they they are probably (?) Taiyo Yuden - very good!!
Taiyo Yuden burns very well on almost all drives.
what is your burner?
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thx 4 the info dodecahedron

Postby aniv3 on Tue Feb 11, 2003 2:07 pm

hey man, it's nice 2 meet ppl from Israel where u don't expect...
bout those Maxell cd's I bought:
I live in Ramat - Hasharon, I found them in the local computer store...

My burner: Sony CDRW CRX-175A1
why r u asking?

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Feb 11, 2003 6:04 pm

yeah, there aren't many people from Israel here.

i just asked about your drive out of curiousity.

these Maxell CDs you bought - are they Taiyo Yuden?
i didn't even know that Maxell sell Taiyo Yuden manufactured CDs.
did you verify this with CDSpeed, CDR Identifier or some such program?

did it say Made on Japan on the box? nearly all media i see in stores, it's not printed on the box where it's made (when it does say - that's the rare case and it's alwasy Taiwan :x )
and how much did they cose?

would you mind emailing me the name & address of the store ?
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Postby aniv3 on Wed Feb 12, 2003 2:53 pm

damn, I've just checked with CD-Speed and Smartburner, they both identified the CD as a plain Maxell, it seems my hopes 4 a gr8 find r gone :cry: , I think I should check again the label that came with the spindle, 2 c if it really was made in Japan, if IT IS SO, I'll let u know...

Hey, if u find a good place were u can find high quality cd's (execpt what u told me bout office depot), PLZ let me know... thx...
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