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Samsung On Critisizm on the media Compatibility

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Samsung On Critisizm on the media Compatibility

Postby music_lover on Mon Feb 10, 2003 2:16 pm


Recently, it has been criticized by customers that they can not be satisfied with the
actual recording speed due to its compatibility with the CDR. CD-RW market has been
having a keen competition that the new high-speed products have been coming out in
every 2 or 3months due to the intense competition of the high speed products among
the manufactories. In the market, the CDRW, which supports 48 speeds, is being sold
recently and 52 speeds product will come out soon or later.
However, the users, who use the product over 40X CDRW, point out that the normal
speed is supported by CDRW and they are not satisfied with CDR media when they
record a CD. Actually, the ST Computer, which imports the CDRW from the ASUS co.,
has pointed out the unsatisfied recording speed due to the compatibility of the CDR
Also, the users who use the CDRW of the LG electronic protest that it has 32X recording
speed even though they insert the 48X CDR to the 48X CDRW, and the Samsung also
has been criticized due to media compatibility with the 40X products.
The reason why such problem occurs is that the manufacturing companies voluntarily
insert the function to control the recording speed according to the CDR media for raising
the recording stability.
The CDRW manufacturing companies such as Samsung, LG, etc. record the information
of the recommended CDR at the firmware and settle the recording speed according to
the information. It means that if a customer uses the CDR media with the inputted
information at firmware, it records as same speed as written in the CDRW but if a
customer uses the CDR media without the information, it reduces the speed under 32X
for recording stability.
The large amount of inexpensive medias has been imported from China, Hong Kong,
etc., and those are not inputted at the CDRW firmware information, so their recording
speeds are unsatisfied.
Due to the facts, the ST Computer collected the CDR sample, which has distributed in
domestic, and sent it to the ASUS to make new firmware. Also, LG electronic has a plan
to update the firmware for the discontinued manufacturing models and Samsung
electronic has been consolidated the firmware information to reduce the problem.
However, the manufacturing companies have difficulty to solve the problem through the
firmware because over 200 of the CDR brands have been distributed, and the products
made by unauthorized company has been distributed. Also, if updates the firmware
frequently, it is possible to increase the A/S of CDRW due to occurrence of the system
error by the customer who is not familiar with PC.
About the fact, a person in the CDRW manufacturing company states, ¡°If using the
inexpensive product made in abroad, it still supports over 48X recording speed, but it
has several problems about the recording stability such as having more than 5~10 times
of an error occurrence rate due to media problem, and so on.¡° and ¡°The manufacturing
companies has been updating the firmware in consideration of the customer, but it is
also important that the customers use the recommended CDR for maintaining the stable
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