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Optorite 5002

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Optorite 5002

Postby Bree on Mon Feb 10, 2003 11:08 am

Just a quick question, Found the OPTORITE 5002 with 8 Meg catch, for 45+5s/h=50$ I cant find any optorite reviews of there past units or if this unit supports MT.R format. Looking at upgrading from my 12x10x32 Liteon.
This looked like a good deal.
<note the shipping is fedex vice UPS>
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Postby cfitz on Mon Feb 10, 2003 11:37 am

People have reported that Optorite drives are okay (I don't have any personal experience), and the price you list is reasonable, but you can do at least a bit better on price if you wait and look for hot deals.

If you want a drive right now and are willing to spend about $50, then I would probably recommend that you pay $3 extra and get the LiteOn LTR 48246S from newegg ($52.99 with free FedEx shipping included):

http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproduct.a ... D4824S+OEM

At 48x it is almost as fast as a 52x burner, and can be flashed to 52x if you really want the few extra seconds.

If the 24x rewriting isn't that important to you, you might want to look into the Cendyne 48x12x48 deal at OfficeMax this week:


Just make sure to get a box with an "LTR-" part number so you find a LiteOn inside.

Is there something special about the Optorite that makes it attractive to you?

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Postby Bree on Mon Feb 10, 2003 12:05 pm

Well, 8 meg buffer, Its also from newegg. Searching the net<price watch, google and price grabber> couldnt find it cheaper with S/H included.
The only thing was it was a 52/24/52 and didnt want to wait for MIR type rebates. have had lots of bad experences, still waiting for one to come back and its been over 5 monts.
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Postby cfitz on Mon Feb 10, 2003 12:18 pm

I certainly understand the desire to avoid mail in rebates. I've had some bad experiences as well. So that is definitely a valid point, although the LTR-48246S from newegg doesn't require a rebate either.

The 8 MB buffer is a plus but, in my opinion, it is less of a selling point these days. Computers are faster now, and burners now all have buffer underrun prevention technology. I have an 8 MB Yamaha and a 2 MB LiteOn, and neither ever gets close to draining its buffer when I burn (although I have to admit that for the short time it takes to burn I don't do anything else on my computer - old habits die hard... :-? )

I was wondering if you were looking at newegg for the Optorite as well, since the price and shipping matched. :wink:

It is your choice. Either one would probably suit your purposes. I would still personally go for the LiteOn because there are a lot people around here who own them and can help you if you have questions, and because there are a lot of useful utilities that work with LiteOn drives (CD Doctor, WSES, Mtkflash, Flashfix, etc.) None of these (with the possible exception of Mtkflash - I don't know what chipset the Optorite drive uses) will work with the Optorite as far as I know. And, as I mentioned, if you really want the few extra seconds that 52x burning buys you over 48x burning, you can easily flash the LTR-48246S into a LTR-52246S.

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Postby Bree on Mon Feb 10, 2003 6:09 pm

Yes the drive is the 5002 at new egg
<search on optorite from main page and you will easly find it.>

here is a pic of the box.. says burn proof not exact link.

http://images2.newegg.com/productimage/ ... 005-04.JPG

there published cost as of this post

45 +5s/h= 50 and thats in the same park as most 52/24/52 and no MIR or Cupons to send in..I have had good luck with newegg. so far :)

I also found the extra play button nice to have as my dvd player has it and i use it to play my cd's with out opeing the cd player or haveing to enable audio play auto start.. just autostart data disks.
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Postby TheWizard on Mon Feb 10, 2003 10:57 pm

Ultimately, the call is yours. If you do get the Optorite 5002, post your comments on it once you test it out. I'm sure we'd all like to know how it performs. :wink:
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Postby Bree on Wed Feb 12, 2003 12:49 pm

:) Well orderd it will be here tomarrow.. will go over it but i dont have a lot of the prorgams and all to do a good test.. will be putting up what it does for me. :)

I will also test buring with many programs open to force the buffer to be used.. and see.. now where is that linux iso....

if this is in the wrong place please move it to the correct place as it seems to be a good deal for the price. Also one question.. it says burn proof not exact link.. isnt Lite On the only one with burn proof. and how to tell if its a liteon 52 x with a bigger catch installed???

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Postby cfitz on Wed Feb 12, 2003 12:57 pm

BURN-Proof is Sanyo's trademark:


LiteOn uses MediaTek chipsets, not Sanyo chipsets, so you won't see the term "BURN-Proof" used for a LiteOn drive.

The drive is definitely not a LiteOn with a bigger cache. It isn't a LiteOn at all. It's an Optorite... :wink:

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Postby cfitz on Wed Feb 12, 2003 1:25 pm

Oh, and just in case there is any confusion, Sanyo added this note to clarify the purpose of "BURN-Proof":

“BURN-Proof” stands for Proof against Buffer Under RuN error, not for proof against burning.

:-? :lol: :lol:

Oh well, this comes from the same company that named a new CD-R technology initiative "DOA". I think they need to work on their naming practices... :P

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Postby Bree on Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:48 pm

humm then my 12.10.32 lite on with BURN PROOF on the face plate isnt a lite on..;) yeah I know old drive. Its got a labele on top for SUNCHEER that is sanyo i think but it comes up in windows and nero/adaptec EZCD4 as liteon 12101b

dont matter to me it works and works well.. did a burn and it worked fine.. now i need to upgrade my software :( well at least it came with full nero. :)
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Postby cfitz on Thu Feb 13, 2003 10:07 pm

Bree wrote:humm then my 12.10.32 lite on with BURN PROOF on the face plate isnt a lite on..;) yeah I know old drive. Its got a labele on top for SUNCHEER that is sanyo i think but it comes up in windows and nero/adaptec EZCD4 as liteon 12101b

Back then LiteOn used Sanyo chipsets. So, yes, your old drive is a LiteOn and did use a Sanyo chipset and did have BURN-Proof. But for a long time now LiteOn has been using MediaTek chipsets in drives that don't have BURN-Proof (although they have the equivalent function under another name). Rest assured that your new Optorite is not a LiteOn.

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