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How do I burn WinXp pro.iso file to CD?

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Postby shpae on Wed Dec 31, 1969 9:21 pm

After I downlaoded a WinXppro.iso file, i tried burn it with Nero using image burn, it still makes a ***.iso file....
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Postby eFrisky on Wed Dec 31, 1969 9:22 pm

You'll do better to get hold of a .bin file. Try to avoid downloading .iso images if you can; they can be more prone to error, and you *really* don't want errors on your operating system CD do you? :smile:

msg me if you have any more problems.
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Postby IRONMAN on Wed Dec 31, 1969 9:27 pm

If you don't have any other programs that will burn an .ISO file such as ECDC, NTI, HotBurn, or Fireburer just to name a few, then you could try to extract the files from the disc image with one of these utilities:
WinISO http://www.winiso.com/
WinImage http://www.winimage.com/winimage.htm
CDMage http://www.geocities.com/cdmage/
Note: all these sites will have trial versions of the software.

Then just burn the files to disc. CDMage also has an option to scan the disc image for corruption and repair...sometimes, this doesn't always work.
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Postby u4ik on Wed Dec 31, 1969 9:51 pm

Use Iso buster, to extract the image, then burn using NERO iso.
I got a good cd-r of office xp that way
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Postby Lynx on Wed Dec 31, 1969 9:54 pm

Hi all

Somehow Nero suppose to support iso'z, but with the XP iso, it just doesn't install properly after cutting it in iso format. I used EasyCD Creator 5 to burn the iso and it works just fine.

Another thing, does anyone know what the origional cd label for WinXP pro is?
summink like WINXPP_ENG or ???...


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Postby clumzy_oaf on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:19 pm

A thought...

Chage the extension to zip and see if you can open it with a zip friendly (WinZip or WinRAR) progy.

Some people still add this old fashioned security measure.

Course if you pulled it from a compressed format, this is much less likely.

Heck even if you did, try it anyhow, I've seen that too.
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